C3.3(2) State Government – 10 th Amendment of the Constitution guarantees states’ power – Major powers of state gov’t: Elections Education Police Health and safety Highways Marriage and divorce
C3.3(2) How the state pays for the services it provides: – Taxes Gas Liquor Cigarettes Real estate Income
C3.3(2) How the states were formed – 13 Original Colonies became states after the Revolutionary War – Most of the 37 other states were territories Area governed by the U.S. that is eligible to become a state – Northwest Ordinance (1787) A territory could apply for statehood once its population reached 60, states have been admitted since the original thirteen Hawaii was 50 th state admitted (1959)
C3.3(2) U.S. Territories – Puerto Rico – Guam
C3.3(2) U.S. Territories – American Samoa – U.S. Virgin Islands – Pacific Islands
C3.3(2) How States Work Together – “Full Faith and Credit Clause” Article 4 Sec 1 of the U.S. Constitution Each state will accept the decisions of courts in other states – Extradition Returning a fugitive back to the state they fled
C3.3(2) How the Federal Gov’t and States Work Together – Article 4, Sec 4 of U.S. Constitution Every state must have a republican form of gov’t – People give power to their elected leaders – Elected leaders are responsible for well-being of entire country Federal gov’t will protect states from invasion Federal gov’t will protect states from domestic violence – Dangers from within by its own citizens
C3.3(2) Federal Gov’t and State Gov’t Share Responsibilities – Build highways I-75: Federal highway M-28: State highway
C3.3(2) Federal Gov’t and State Gov’t Share Responsibilities – Assist jobless workers – Help needy citizens – Provide low-cost lunches at school