NO LONGER A DREAM DEFERRED: Greater Minority STEM Participation Through Academic Opportunity and Institutional Change
Boston University MIT Penn State University Rutgers University University of Connecticut University of Maine University of New Hampshire University of Rhode Island University of Vermont University of Massachusetts Amherst Bennett College Jackson State University Lincoln University Medgar Evers College University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Northeast Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (NEAGEP)
GOAL: Substantially increase the number of underrepresented U.S. minority students who obtain Ph.D. degrees in STEM disciplines and enter the professoriate
Underrepresented minorities: 28.3% of the U.S. population in % of the total science and engineering labor force 5.9% of doctoral degrees in STEM
Minority STEM Ph.D. Students Enrolled in NEAGEP Institutions
Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) NEAGEP Internships NEAGEP Graduate Support Program
Transportation costs covered Eight-week program of mentored research Stipend, free room and board SPUR
NEAGEP Internship Program Accept recent graduates into SPUR If students want to stay and their faculty mentors recommend them, they become Interns Paid graduate-level stipend, take graduate courses and work in a laboratory for a year Apply to graduate school and enter in fall if accepted
NEAGEP Graduate Student Support Program Monthly Social Events Near-Peer Mentoring Creative Solutions First and Fifth-Year Fellowships Professional Development Events Travel to Professional Meetings
Partner Visiting Scientist Program Junior faculty from Partner Institutions spend all or part of the summer at UMass Amherst Receive stipend Learn new techniques Develop collaborative projects
URM Enrollment in All STEM Ph.D. Programs at UMA
Earned Doctoral Degrees (STEM URM)
24 Excellent graduate programs Community of scholars through NEAGEP and beyond Committed faculty mentors Welcoming community
Vicente Gomez: Microbiology Kathy Nieves Puigdoller: Fisheries and Wildlife, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Almaris Alonso: Microbiology
Ibis Benito: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jorge Trabal: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Lisandra Garay Vega: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Jeniffer Concepcion: Microbiology
Enid Arcelay: Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences Erick Roman Perez: Molecular and Cell Biology Mara Isel Guerrero: Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences
Nestor Chevere: Chemisty
German Colon: Physics
Daniella Gonzalez: Chemistry
Zuleika Medina: Chemistry Defended her dissertation on September 13, 2007!!
Edgardo Ortiz: Physics
Theresa Ortiz: Molecular and Cell Biology
Elih Velazquez: Chemistry
Kirsten Granados: Kinesiology
Luis Rosado: Kinesiology
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