Building Effective Campus-Community Partnerships Building Effective Campus-Community Partnerships
Information and Referral Phone Web chat
Data and Information Information collected assists information and referral staff, government, researchers, planners, service providers, professionals and members of the general public regarding addiction, problem gambling, and mental health services and supports
ConnexOntario report developers will generate over 2000 custom reports for system stewards and planners this fiscal year. Types of reports: Information about callers Demand for service Gaps in service Information about agencies/services Treatment availability/waiting period information
Strategic Priorities 1.Ensure leaders demonstrate institutional commitment through raising awareness and promoting a mentally healthy campus 2.Support and continually assess our systems to ensure they foster academic success and better workplace within a diversified community 3.Establish institutional policies and procedures that respond to existing and emerging community needs 4.Communicate and enhance institutional capacity to support mentally healthy campus 5.Reinforce existing and develop new strategic partnerships to collaborate on a coordinated response to a mentally healthy campus York University’s Mental Health Strategy
WHO are our partners? Internal Partnerships Counselling and Disability Services Centre for Women and Trans people Residence Life and Housing York International York Psychology Clinic Security Services/Risk Management Centre for Human Rights YUELI Office of the Counsel Active Minds MAD students Healthy Student Initiative YUStart New Transition Program Mental health & Wellness Website External Partnerships Psychiatrists/Psychologists/Physicians Police Services Southlake Regional Health Center CAMH Humber River Regional Health Care Jane Finch Community Engagement NAvigaTe York in York Region Partnership Annual York Let’s Talk Day TDSB and York Region School Boards
Informal Building awareness Community consultations – internal Let’s Talk Day – community cafés Focus groups – research across campus Formal MOU with York Region Mental Health Collaborative Policy and procedures review for intake and discharge of York students WHAT are the agreements?
Open forum consultation with York Region partners - Steering committee and operational plan confirmed Key strategic directions and follow up Reciprocity: important to understand the roles and responsibilities of our partners and how we could work together - research support; expeditious access to services; joint events re. mental health literacy; leadership capacity development; student experiences. HOW did we arrive at these agreements?
SC is in the North – limited partnership opportunities in the community Creativity is important within smaller communities Is this helpful? Don’t just partner for partnering’s sake The one-sided “partnership” Community politics WHO are our partners? Flourishing Campuses | 11/07/2014
WHO are our partners? Flourishing Campuses | 11/07/2014 Internal Partnerships Counselling & Accessibility Academic Departments Health Centre SCSU Student Life Residence Financial Aid Library External Partnerships Sault Area Hospital CMHA St. John’s Ambulance Pan-Northern Group School Boards Family Services (in progress) Algoma U. (in progress)
Formal, fee-for-service MOUs Partnership Agreements Specialized referral documents Informal (St. John’s Ambulance, kts) WHAT are the agreements? Flourishing Campuses | 11/07/2014
HOW did we arrive at these agreements? Looking at the bigger picture – what are the main goals we are trying to achieve? Preparing – who can help us? What can we offer in return? Staffing – who will be responsible for negotiating and maintaining these agreements? Sustainability – can we continue these agreements despite changes (staffing, budgets, etc.)? Flourishing Campuses | 11/07/2014
We are your partners in community mental health: CMHA – Canadian Mental Health Association – in many communities CAMH – Centre for Addictions and Mental Health – many outreach programs Hospital based community mental health programs, clinics Hospital mental health in patient, outpatient mental health programs Crisis Response Services – Phone lines, Mobile visits, Safe Beds CCAC - Community Care and Access Centres Community Counselling programs Practitioners in private practice Specialized services for specific groups and issues WHO are our partners? Flourishing Campuses | 11/07/2014
Your partners’ partners in community mental health: Many related services: Addictions services in many communities Mood Disorders Association of Ontario Health Care clinics, walk-ins, Family Health Teams Sexual Assault Centres YWCA Crossroads Sexual Health Centres Disability Support services – ODSP, Wheel Trans LGBTQ resources and supports Aboriginal resources Housing resources Food programs Legal Aid and Legal services Credit counseling programs Ontario Works Learning Disability associations Police Mobile Crisis Response Teams WHO are our partners? Flourishing Campuses | 11/07/2014
Processes, activities that were important to consider and discuss before an agreement was made: Introduce and orient each other – face to face Generate Awareness – Who is already doing what for whom? Share clients – Work together - Establish Pathways to Care Deliver on commitments – Response times, follow through HOW did we arrive at these agreements? Flourishing Campuses | 11/07/2014
Processes, activities that were important to consider and discuss before an agreement was made: Construct Protocols, MOUs, letters of agreement Cross Training – with direct service teams Engage and join each others’ Systems, Committees Jointly Participate in Community collaborations Create opportunities to sustain, refresh Pathways, relationships HOW did we arrive at these agreements? Flourishing Campuses | 11/07/2014
What type of relationships have you made with your partners – formal and informal- Service Delivery based Relationships – for clients/students We are comfortable with each other Key members of each others’ Advisory Groups – for systems We are helpful to each other’s institutions Regular Mental Health training for students, faculty – for staff We are instructive to each other MOUs and formal letters of agreements – for accountability / liability We are accountable to each other WHAT are the agreements? Flourishing Campuses | 11/07/2014
What types of services can your partners provide to support Campus Mental Health? Individual Mental health counselling Targeted Group services, to address specific issues (depression, anxiety, emotional regulation, loneliness, substance abuse…) Case Management – an Intensive service for a few individuals Mental health education, workshops – ASIST, SafeTALK, Mental Health First Aid, Open Your Mind, Talk About Mental Health Peer supports – talking with other young people with lived experience WHAT are the deliverables? Flourishing Campuses | 11/07/2014
What types of services can your partners provide to support Campus Mental Health? Crisis Response, intervention, and follow-up support Safe beds to stay in for housing crisis, short term Critical Incident Debriefing Hospital visits to Emergency department with CMH follow-up options Hospital mental health admissions with CMH follow-up options Consultation to your staff, faculty regarding mental health issues Ongoing multi-disciplinary team work WHAT are the deliverables? Flourishing Campuses | 11/07/2014