Transitioning to California Common Core State Standards Secondary Math Training Presented by: Elk Grove Unified School District
7-12 Common Core Workshop Part 1: Intro to standards: Why new standards, what is the structure of the standards? Part 2: Assessment: What might assessment look like under Smarter Balance and how might we start preparing for 2015? Part 3: What are the shifts/implications for instruction? Part 4: What does CCSS instruction/classroom look like?
STATE STANDARDS 45 States, DC, & the Virgin Islands have adopted the CCSS 3 Aug 2010
Transitioning to the Common core… Is not a light switch that you can just turn on. It’s more like a dimmer switch.
Norms Be an active learner. Avoid sidebar conversations during explanations. Set your phone to silent; please do not text unless you have an emergency. Collaborate with colleagues. Support an environment that encourages risk taking.
Outcomes for Session 1: 1.Understand why there was a need for new math standards 2.Understand the structure of the 7-12 content standards for mathematics (CCSS-M) 3. Know the 8 mathematical practices and where to find support for their implementation
Why new standards? (Hunt Institute Video: Intro to Common Core) On your teacher response form write down 3 things you know about the CCSS. Now write down 3 questions you have about the implementation of the CCSS.
If You Have Additional Questions?
A+ CountriesUnited States Here are 2 charts that compare when topics are taught in the curriculum 9
A+ CountriesUnited States Mastery Learning Spirals Here are 2 charts that compare when topics are taught in the curriculum Common Fractions taught in 3 rd – 6 th grades Common Fractions taught in 1 st – forever! 10
A+ CountriesUnited States Here are 2 charts that compare when topics are taught in the curriculum 11
200 x 300 = When your students look at these problems what procedural fluencies and conceptual understandings do you expect your students bring to these problems? What kinds of questions might you ask your students to build their number sense and conceptual understanding?
Procedural Fluency Conceptual Understanding Application/Modeling A balanced approach Common core authors: Bill McCallum and Jason Zimba
How can we balance conceptual understanding with procedural fluency?
Using the number line to “add on” 245 – 178= How far is it from 178 to 245 on the number line?
How can we balance conceptual understanding with procedural fluency?
In the first week of a sale the cost of a jacket is reduced by 25%. In the second week of the sale, the price is reduced by an additional 50%. During the final week of the sale, the price was reduced an additional 25%. Jimmy claims the coat will be free, because the 25%, 50%, and 25% reductions add up to 100%. What do you think of Jimmy’s claim? Explain and justify your assertion.
California Common Core Standards Documents Available at Including California’s additions
Content StandardsStandards for Mathematical Practice There are 2 kinds of math standards Tell us what students should learn and understand in the math classroom. Set expectations for student behaviors/skills. These are things your students should do to successfully interact with the math content. These standards are not meant to be taught in isolation. You cannot teach content without teaching the mathematical practices and you cannot teach the mathematical practices without content. Content StandardsMathematical Practices
The content standards are interwoven with standards for mathematical practices
Content StandardsStandards for Mathematical Practice Implications for guiding our instruction. What are the implications for guiding our instruction? We will look at this in session three of our training.
Phil Daro video
Let’s open up the content standards Available at Including California’s additions
24 Organization of the CCSSM content standards Middle SchoolHigh School Grade Level 6,7 & 8Conceptual Categories Domains Clusters Standards
Bill McCulum Video: &feature=BFa&list=UL83Ieur9qy5k Why is coherence important? What is something you agree with? What is something you want to know more about? Teacher talk: Discuss these three questions with your partner.
K-8 Domains/H.S. Conceptual Categories
27 CCSSM High School There are 5 conceptual categories Number and Quantity (N) Algebra (A) Functions (F) Modeling (*) Geometry (G) Statistics and Probability (S) *The big ideas that connect mathematics across high school mathematics (algebra1 through algebra 2)
28 DOMAIN Cluster Headings Conceptual Category (see page 75)
29 Domain Cluster Headings Standards Algebra Conceptual Category (see page 77)
Middle School Grade Level DOMAIN Cluster Headings (see page 48) Standards
Now let’s open the standards for mathematical practices (Page 69) Available at Mathematical Practices
The California Framework: A helpful document!
33 Standards for Mathematical Practice 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4.Model with mathematics. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically. 6.Attend to precision. 7.Look for and make use of structure. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
36 Standards for Mathematical Practice Turn to page 69 in your standards packet. NCTM Process Standards National Research Council Report With your table partners: Read and summarize your assigned SMP, make a poster with the key ideas and what would students do to demonstrate this practice? (15 minutes)
Complete a poster and be prepared to present to the group. Mathematical Practice: Key IdeasWhat would students do to demonstrate this practice?
Setting the Stage for Our Leap into CCSS CCSS implementation for will focus on the standards of mathematical practices and the implications for classroom instruction.