CSF Fall High School Meeting September 11, 2014
Agenda Welcome and Opening Prayer CSF Update Discussion of CSF Scholars Program – Review of Program To-Date – Requirements Moving Forward Other Grants Partnerships Important Dates Advisory Committee Red Sox Ticket Raffle
CSF snapshot Related entity of Archdiocese 24 Board members 7 Full time staff $8.39mm in budgeted grants for FY15 $63mm endowment ~1500 donors Do not claim church status
Learn more about CSF
CSF Mission Statement The Catholic Schools Foundation changes lives by providing families with demonstrated financial need an opportunity to give their sons and daughters a quality education, focused on Christian values and character formation at Catholic Schools located throughout the Archdiocese of Boston, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or gender.
Operating Principles CSF supports the concept of a strong Catholic Schools Office (CSO) with a clear mandate, dedicated resources and adequate authority to rationalize and thereby strengthen the network of schools in the Archdiocese of Boston CSF will significantly focus its allocations in support of this objective and will direct funds away from schools that are not meeting the standards and towards schools that are viable in the long-term
Why are we looking at this? Obligation to our mission and donors Need to be able to tell a story Impact must be measured Transparency leads to opportunity Need to be bold to attract funds
What this means Funding Guidelines reviewed and updated regularly Funding Calendar moved up Application updated to help make decisions against standards Opportunities for investment should emerge CSF website now be more useful
General Funding Guidelines Minimum of 80% of CSF allocation budget should be allotted for scholarship funds each year Majority of funding should be directed to students at elementary school level Opportunities for internal capacity building and sustainability outside of CSF should be sought by all grantees All schools should be able to demonstrate they are meeting or working towards defined standards of excellence in academics, finances, faith formation and governance. Complete guideline on CSF websitewebsite
CSF Scholars Program Donors are asking more and more questions about the students who receive CSF scholarships: Ethnicity Religion Family income Academic performance Where do they go when they graduate CSF must continue to answer these questions and track our students Must rely on data to do so
CSF Scholars Program Established in 2011 to convert block scholarship grants to directed student model Funding was originally 30% of a student’s 9 th grade tuition, currently 33% Intentions of program: to create a recruiting tool for schools: scholarship guaranteed for 4 years if maintain passing average and good conduct; to allow low-income students, especially new immigrants, who otherwise would not set foot in a Catholic high school the opportunity for a Catholic education; to help maintain a pipeline between Catholic elementary and secondary schools; to allow CSF to better track scholarship recipients
CSF Scholars Program: Data as of Spring 2014 $1.4 million distributed to 461 students in Classes of
CSF Scholars Program: Data as of Spring 2014
CSF Scholars Program: Successes CSF is now tracking scholarship recipients year over year; Larger scholarships having more of an impact on tuition; Program has helped improve pipeline/relationship with Catholic feeders; Schools have control over Scholar selection
CSF Scholars Program: Challenges Confusion regarding tuition increases and how affects Scholars; Confusion regarding academic data collection; Withdrawal rate of Scholars at some schools as high as 25%; Almost 10% of Scholars finished the school year with GPAs of 1.5 or lower
CSF Scholars Program: Moving Forward Selection of Scholars: Schools are expected to use the CSF Scholar aid as a recruiting tool DURING the admissions process, not after; Students should have a high level of financial need; Preference should be given to students coming from a school’s local Catholic feeder schools and/or students who are Peter Lynch (PL) Scholars; If demographically possible, preference should be given to students from families who are new immigrants to the US; Students should demonstrate high potential to contribute positively to the school community through academics and/or leadership; Students should have a goal for post-secondary education
CSF Scholars Program: Moving Forward Awarding of Funds: Scholarships offered to students in the 9 th grade class will be locked in at this amount for the duration of the student’s time at the school; In order to keep tuition payments predictable and affordable, we suggest schools lock in the tuition amount at the 9 th grade level; If a school does raise tuition and the CSF Scholar requires additional financial aid to remain in the school, it is up to the school to provide this additional aid; Once a school year has begun, if a Scholar withdraws or transfers the funding for this student is forfeited. It will not follow a Scholar to another Catholic school nor may it be redistributed to another student.
CSF Scholars Program: Moving Forward Awarding of Funds: Scholarships offered to students in the 9 th grade class will be locked in at this amount for the duration of the student’s time at the school; In order to keep tuition payments predictable and affordable, we suggest schools lock in the tuition amount at the 9 th grade level; If a school does raise tuition and the CSF Scholar requires additional financial aid to remain in the school, it is up to the school to provide this additional aid; Once a school year has begun, if a Scholar withdraws or transfers the funding for this student is forfeited. It will not follow a Scholar to another Catholic school nor may it be redistributed to another student.
CSF Scholars Program: Moving Forward Notification to CSF: Should involve tuition or business manager; CSF Scholars in the current classes of must be recorded in FACTS Grant & Aid by SEPTEMBER 30; Scholars should be designated as CSF Scholar Class of 2015, 2016, etc.; Scholars in the Class of 2019 must be recorded in FACTS by APRIL 1; If Scholars are not recorded in FACTS by these dates schools will not receive funding for them
CSF Scholars Program: Moving Forward Reporting for Scholars: Should involve guidance counselors Forms will be standardized and simplified, no more copies of transcripts Mid-Year Reports due February 23 Require : Any CSF Scholar who has withdrawn and reason for withdrawal; Mid-Year GPA or Average for Current Scholars; Test Scores: 9 th Grade: Stanford th Grade: PSAT if applicable 11 th Grade : PSAT and SAT if applicable 12 th Grade: SAT Extracurricular activities, including employment and activities outside of school Year-End Reports due July 15 Require : Any CSF Scholar who has withdrawn since the midyear and reason for withdrawal; Year-End GPA or Average Any test scores taken since the mid-year report
CSF Scholars Program: Moving Forward Expectations of Scholars: He/she must remain enrolled at the same school; He/she must re-apply and re-qualify for aid each year through FACTS Grant & Aid; He/she must work to the best of his/her ability and maintain a passing average; He/she must maintain good conduct; His/her family must sign a waiver at the school for release of information to CSF, including transcripts and test scores; His/her family is expected to remain up-to-date on their portion of the tuition balance each year
CSF Scholars Program: Moving Forward Expectations of Schools: Utilize the CSF Scholar program as a recruiting tool during the admissions process; Inform Scholars and their families of their selection as CSF Scholars and the expectations that go along with the award; Send at least one representative to the CSF Mass and Reception with the Cardinal in May; Promote the selection of CSF Scholars using the PR toolkit; Adhere to deadlines and reporting requirements for the program
CSF Scholars Program: (FY16) Application Process Schools may apply for ADDITIONAL numbers of CSF Scholars in the Class of 2019; May also apply for HIGHER LEVEL scholarship funds for the Class of 2019: up to 50% of the tuition; Schools are required to submit the following as part of their application, due OCTOBER 31: Most recent audited financials; Number of additional Scholars requested and why; Amount of tuition or estimate and % of tuition requested for scholarship amount; Recruiting and retention plan for Scholars and feeder schools to be targeted
CSF Scholars Program: (FY16) Application Process Applications will be reviewed by allocations sub-committee with the following data taken into consideration: Retention rate of current CSF Scholars; Overall academic performance of current CSF Scholars; Audited financial statement; Clarity of plan for recruiting and retaining Scholars; Current relationship with Catholic feeder schools; Results of Class of 2015 Catholic Identity Surveys Schools will be notified of decisions by DECEMBER 12
Class of 2015 CSF Scholar Meeting October 29 For all current Class of 2015 CSF Scholars and school representatives Purpose is to gather info from Scholars and update them on why we want to stay in touch: Gather updated contact info, including cell phones and addresses; Administer anonymous Catholic Identity Student Survey; Will be tracking students after graduation using National Student Clearinghouse; Role of graduates as mentors for incoming CSF Scholars
Other Grants CSF Prize Grant: $100,000 Established for FY15 to award non-scholarship funding for innovation/impact in one of four areas of excellence; Schools encouraged to collaborate on application; Intent is to fund programs that can have a wide impact of innovation and excellence across Catholic school system
Other Grants CSF Prize Grant 15 applications, all but one from two or more collaborations of schools 3 finalists: – Building Bridges Through STREAM – Lowell Collaborative Campus Ministry – Boston Area Catholic Schools (BACS) Tech Collaborative Winner: Building Bridges Through STREAM – Blessed Sacrament, Walpole and Trinity Catholic Academy, Brockton
Other Grants CSF Prize Grant: FY16 Applications due MARCH 27; May be additional, smaller grants in addition to $100,000 grant; Reviewed by allocations sub-committee APRIL 3-24; Finalists voted on by full allocations committee MAY 1; Site visits/interviews MAY 11-22; Recipients announced JUNE 22
Other Grants Summer Technology Academy Catholic Schools Admissions and Development Collaboratives (CSAC/CSDC) Regional Collaboratives
Partnerships Boston College (BC) Experience Hill Holiday Internship Junior Achievement
Important Dates September 30: Deadline for Current CSF Scholar Awards to be Recorded in FACTS October 28:Student Thank You Letters Mailed October 29:Class of 2015 CSF Scholar Meeting October 31:Application Deadline for Additional CSF Scholars November 13:Governance Series Meeting November 20:Fall Grant Deposit December 12:Schools Notified of Decisions on Additional CSF Scholars February 23:Mid Year CSF Scholar Reports Due March 27:Prize Grant Applications Due
Important Dates April 1:Deadline for Class of 2019 CSF Scholar to be Recorded in FACTS April 15:ICSF Dinner April 30:Spring Grant Deposit May 7:CSF Scholar Mass and Reception May 11-22:Prize Grant Interviews/Site Visits June 22:Prize Grant Recipients Announced July 15:Year End CSF Scholar Reports Due
Outcomes Sense of who we are and how we operate Clear sense of calendar, process and expectations Feedback on our work and how we can best serve students and schools Feedback on alternative meeting space