Trans-Texas Corridor: A Public Private Partnership Texas Department of Transportation AASHTO Spring Board of Directors Meeting May 9, 2005 Michael W. Behrens, P.E. AASHTO Spring Board of Directors Meeting May 9, 2005 Michael W. Behrens, P.E.
The TTC Preliminary Layout
CDA/Design-BuildCDA/Design-Build Goal: Attract private innovation and equity Structure: Umbrella CDA framework for a long-term partnershipStructure: Umbrella CDA framework for a long-term partnership –Multiple Facility Agreements developed for specific projects in Master Development Plan –Agreements Approved by TxDOTApproved by TxDOT Outline contractual terms & obligationsOutline contractual terms & obligations Consistent with environmental processConsistent with environmental process
CDA Contractual Relationship Facility Implementation Plan TxDOT Design-Build- Finance-Operate Design-Build- Operate-Maintain Design-Build Design-Build- Maintain Design-Bid-Build High Speed Rail Commuter Rail Truck Toll Road Freight Rail Toll Road Utility Private Sector Developer Delivery Umbrella CDA Potential Facilities Delivery Options
The Oklahoma to Mexico Element Of The Trans-Texas Corridor (I-35 – TTC)
Highlights are Conceptual All proposed Facility alignments, locations, financing, and schedules shown in the following slides are conceptual and subject to the following:All proposed Facility alignments, locations, financing, and schedules shown in the following slides are conceptual and subject to the following: –NEPA process and public input –Environmental approvals –FHWA approvals –TxDOT review and approvals –Final traffic and revenue forecasts and financial modeling
Proposed Cintra Near-Term Facilities Concession Fees Toll Road – S. of Austin to San Antonio Toll Road – S. of Dallas to E. of Dallas Toll Road – E. of Dallas to N. of Dallas Initial Toll Road – Georgetown to Temple Scope Toll Road – Temple to S. of Dallas of Work Toll Road – S. of San Antonio to E. of San Antonio Railroad Relocation Project – Central Texas ► $ 36,700,000 ► $ 580,000,000 ► $ 407,900,000 ► $ 116,300,000 ► $ 32,300,000
Highlights ofCintra/Zachry Proposal A 50-year partnership with near, mid, and long term projects to develop the Trans-Texas Corridor from Oklahoma to MexicoA 50-year partnership with near, mid, and long term projects to develop the Trans-Texas Corridor from Oklahoma to Mexico Anticipates over $6 billion in near-term transportation construction projectsAnticipates over $6 billion in near-term transportation construction projects Anticipates a payment in excess of $1 billion to TxDOT for additional transportation projects within the CorridorAnticipates a payment in excess of $1 billion to TxDOT for additional transportation projects within the Corridor Negotiate the right to operate and collect tolls for up to 50 yearsNegotiate the right to operate and collect tolls for up to 50 years
Near-, Mid-, and Long-Term Facilities Conceptual SH 130 – Segments 5 and 6 Dallas Southeast Connector Dallas Northeast Connector Georgetown to Temple Temple to Dallas SE Connector San Antonio Southeast Loop UP Railroad Relocation (MoPac) IH 10 Expansion, Seguin to San Antonio SE Loop SH 130 – Segments 1 to 4 Near Term (2005 – 2010) Mid Term (2010 – 2025) Long Term ( ) San Antonio to Rio Grande Valley Dallas to Austin Freight Rail Dallas to Austin High Speed Rail Austin – San Antonio High Speed Rail Forth Worth Southwest & Northwest Connector
Proposed Cintra Near-Term Facilities Estimated Construction and Right of Way Costs Toll Road – S. of Austin to San Antonio Toll Road – S. of Dallas to E. of Dallas Toll Road – E. of Dallas to N. of Dallas Initial Toll Road – Georgetown to Temple Scope Toll Road – Temple to S. of Dallas of Work Toll Road – S. of San Antonio to E. of San Antonio Railroad Relocation Project – Central Texas ► $ 710,000,000 ► $ 1,793,000,000 ► $ 775,000,000 ► $ 986,000,000 ► $ 1,694,000,000 ► $852,000,000 ► $489,000,000
Sample of Other Existing/Possible CDA Projects Legend I-69 Trans Texas Corridor SH 121 LBJ Freeway 820/183 I-69 TTC $25B SH 121 – $300 million LBJ – $1B - $1.5B 820/183 - $1B