Social Care Informatics Project Presentation to SCCI on 28 th April Presented by Ian Boyd
Strategic Goal Best summarised by the following quote from National Voices: “I can plan my care with people who work together to understand me and my carer(s), allow me control, and bring together services to achieve the outcomes important to me.” 2
Project Priorities 1.Information standards in support of social acre and the integration of health and social care 2.Integration of core health and social care systems 3.Digital maturity of social care commissioning and provider organisations 4.Professional informatics capability of social care workforce 5.Support to local service integration initiatives 6.Citizen driven care services 3
Proposed ISN’s 1.Vocabulary for social care 2.Assessment, notice and discharge 3.Referral to social care 4.Continuity of care 5.Care and support plans 6.ITK messaging 7.Adult social care data collections 4
Definitions of Care Information 1.Standardised national vocabulary for social care 2.Standardised process for the evolution and controlled change of that vocabulary 3.Standardised suite of defined document types for transfer of social care responsibilities 4.Standardised process for the evolution and controlled change of those defined documents 5.Standardised process for the approval and controlled change of data collections 5
Transfers of Care Information Secondary Care to Social Care: 1.Notification of need for, or withdrawal of, a social care assessment prior to discharge 2.Patient discharge summary Primary Care to Social Care: 1.GP referral for social care assessment 2.Care and support plan summary 3.Patient discharge summary Social Care to Social Care: 1.Transfer of care and support responsibilities between local authorities Care Home to Social Care: 1.Structured document exchange with social care, primary care, secondary care, and other care providers 6
Transfer Mechanisms 1.Structured point to point real-time CDA messaging e.g. between local authorities 2.Structured secure to Social Care Case Management system via the Adapter e.g. hospital, GP, care home 7
Approach 1.Information sharing is the goal, therefore, acceptance by local government, care providers and the NHS is the focus, and SCCI is the process 2.All proposed ISN’s are inter-dependant and will be developed simultaneously by a single team working to a common plan 3.Prioritisation of development effort will be dictated by greatest projected benefit 4.All proposed ISN’s are living and will therefore need an ongoing process for controlled change 5.Evolution of SCCI to better support the needs of social care 8