How to draw atoms ParticleChargeMass Proton Electron Neutron An atom is the smallest part of an element /2000
How to find protons electrons and neutrons Li 3 7 Proton number Mass Number PEnPEn Bottom number Top - Bottom number
Need to know how to draw the first 20 atoms Nucleus 2,8,8
Ions Metals Non-metals Positive!!! Negative
Ionic bonding LiF +- Metal and a non-metal
Ionic structure Draw out sodium dots. Draw out fluorine Crosses. Work out electron movement Re-draw ions together. Write the formula.
NaF +- Sodium Fluoride
More than one!! Other elements like oxygen need 2 Electrons.
Sodium Oxide 2 Na O 2
Be F F Beryllium gives 2 electrons. Beryllium fluoride.
Draw out the following KF LiCl Li 2 O BeCl 2 MgF 2