8 th Grade Technology
Transportation Technology refers to the systems that we use to … Move people and/or freight from one location to another.
What are some examples of transportation systems?
When talking about transportation, the term environment refers to “where” the vehicle travels. There are four environments of transportation.
Land Air Water Space
There are two categories of land transportation. Stationary Vehicular
Stationary refers to systems that have a permanently set path. Vehicular refers to systems that have a random or changing path.
There are two categories of air transportation systems. Lighter-than-air Heavier-than-air
Lighter-than-air refers to a vehicle that use a “lighter-than-air” gas to stay in the air. Heavier-than-air refers to a vehicle that must create “lift” to stay in the air.
There are two categories of water transportation systems. Inland Oceanic
Inland refers to vehicles that are designed to travel on smaller bodies of water like rivers and lakes. Oceanic refers to vehicles that are designed to withstand that forces of the ocean.
There are two categories of space vehicles. Staffed Unstaffed
“Staffed” refers to vehicles are a designed to carry people. “Unstaffed” refers to vehicles that are not designed to carry people.
LandAirWaterSpace Stationary Vehicular Lighter- than-air Heavier- than-airInlandOceanicStaffedUnstaffed Create a chart like you see below and list the assigned number of examples of each category.