Lesson Outcomes You will be able… To state the name of different chemical compounds and state what they are made up of Objectives & Outcomes 06 October 2015 We are learning today Lesson Aims To understand how to name simple compounds
You are now ready to meet REG and play a game of ELEMENT BINGO! How well do you know the elements and their symbols? Draw a simple grid of 5 boxes in a row like this one. Write down the symbols for 5 of the first 20 elements in these boxes. Make sure your neighbour hasn ’ t copied your 5 symbols.
Test your elements expertise with this true or false quiz. An element is made up of only one type of atom. All atoms are the same. Each element has its own type of atom. There are about 100 different elements so there are about 100 different atoms. TRUE FALSE TRUE Elementary, my dear Watson!”
Test your elements expertise with this true or false quiz. A substance that is not an element contains more than one type of atom. The symbol for an element is always the first letter of its name. The chemical symbol for the element carbon is O. The same chemical symbols are used all over the world. TRUE FALSE TRUE Elementary, my dear Watson!”
Fabulous formulae A chemical formula can be very informative. It shows the numbers and types of elements in a compound. What is the formula of the compound described by these compositions? One copper to one oxygen One carbon to two oxygen One calcium to one carbon to three oxygen CuO CO 2 CaCO 3 Hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio 2:1H2OH2O Carbon and hydrogen in the ratio 4:1CH 4 Potassium, nitrogen and oxygen in the ratio 1:1:3 KNO 3
Elements and Compounds two or more types of atom. It follows that compounds contain two or more types of atom. The water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom, so the formula is H 2 O. one type of atom only. Elements are materials made up of one type of atom only. Hydrogen molecule contains two hydrogen atoms bonded together, so the formula is H 2.
Naming Simple compounds. It is easy to name simple compounds of metals and non- metals. 1.Write down the name of the metal 2.Write down the name of the non-metal but change the ending to “ide.” oxygencalcium sulphursilver brominecopper Name of compoundElement 2Element 1 copper bromide silver sulphide calcium oxide 1) magnesium 2) oxygen = magnesium oxide 1) sodium 2) chlorine = sodium chloride
Name the compound formed from these elements nitrogenlithium sulphurzinc iodinenickel brominealuminium oxygentin chlorinesodium nitrogenmagnesium sulphuriron Name of compoundElement 2Element 1 iron sulphide magnesium nitride sodium chloride tin oxide aluminium bromide nickel iodide zinc sulphide lithium nitride Naming Simple compounds.
Naming more complicated Compounds plus – ate. Many compounds contain more than two elements. Naming them can get complicated but for those containing two elements plus oxygen the name ending usually changes to – ate. oxygenbrominealuminium oxygensulphurcopper oxygen Element 3 nitrogensodium magnesium nitratenitrogenmagnesium nickel sulphatesulphurnickel Name of compoundElement 2Element 1 sodium nitrate copper sulphate aluminium bromate
What is the formulae of each of the compounds shown? (As with names, put the metal first.) 2. Lithium Oxide Li O ? oxygen atom ? lithium atoms Formula? 3. Aluminium chloride ? aluminium atom ? chlorine atoms Formula Al Cl 1. Titanium oxide ? titanium atom ? oxygen atoms Formula Ti OO 1 titanium atom 2 oxygen atoms Formula TiO 2 1 oxygen atom 2 lithium atoms Formula Li 2 O 1 aluminium atom 3 chlorine atoms AlCl 3 Formula AlCl 3 The formula of compounds
What is the formulae of each of the compounds shown? Silicon chloride ? silicon atom ? chlorine atoms Formula Si Cl Manganese oxide Manganese oxide ? manganese atom ? oxygen atoms Formula Mn OO 1 manganese atom 2 oxygen atoms MnO 2 Formula MnO 2 1 silicon atom 4 chlorine atoms SiCl 4 Formula SiCl 4 Cl Aluminium oxide ? aluminium atom ? oxygen atoms Formula Al O O O 2 aluminium atom 3 oxygen atoms Al 2 O 3 Formula Al 2 O 3 Al The formula of compounds
Lesson Outcomes You will be able… To state the name of different chemical compounds and state what they are made up of Objectives & Outcomes 06 October 2015 We are learning today Lesson Aims To understand how to name simple compounds