@ Swoogle Tutorial (Part II: Swoogle Demo) A canned demo Use-case: UMBC tree survey Presented by eBiquity Lab, CSEE, UMBC
1. A Canned Demo SwoogleSwoogle SwoogleSwoogle Find “Time” Ontology (Swoogle Search) Digest “Time” Ontology Document view Term view Find Term “Person” (Ontology Dictionary) Digest Term “Person” Term definition Class-Property bond 5 Swoogle Statistics Swoogle Today 6 Ontology Rank Swoogle’s top 10 7 Miscellaneous Submit URL Swoogle Web Service
Find “Time” Ontology We can use a set of keywords to search ontology. For example, “time, before, after” are basic concepts for a “Time” ontology. Demo 1
Digest “Time” Ontology (document view) Demo 2(a)
Digest “Time” Ontology (term view) Demo 2(b) …………. TimeZone before intAfter
Find Term “Person” Demo 3 Not capitalized! URIref is case sensitive!
Digest Term “Person” Demo different properties 562 different properties
Demo 5(a) Swoogle Today
Demo 5(b) Swoogle Statistics FOAF Trustix W3C Stanford
Demo 5(c) Swoogle Statistics
Demo 6 Swoogle’ top 10 This report is dynamically generated based on the latest data, and it will take 5 to 10 seconds. Swoogle use PageRank like algorithm to rank semantic web documents. Well-known ontologies are highly ranked.
When you can’t find your ontologies in Swoogle, it may be the case that your ontologies are not indexed by swoogle yet. Please submit it and increase its visibility. From site map When your query fails Demo 7 Submit URL for focused crawler
2. UMBC TreeSurvey SwoogleSwoogle SwoogleSwoogle Identify concepts Compose form with markup language Find Terms in Ontology Dictionary Refine form 5 Build an ontology
@ SwoogleSwoogle SwoogleSwoogle 1. A tree survey A tree survey consists of: a non-exhaustive list of the species that exist in a particular area. data about each observed individual (e.g. diameter at chest height, picture, etc.) The metadata for each survey: location; Creator; Date, time;
@ SwoogleSwoogle SwoogleSwoogle 2. An survey written in markup language non-exhaustive species list Ottawa 46 degrees -75 degrees Crystal Beach 2004 December pinus banksiana pinus resinosa metadata individuals
@ SwoogleSwoogle SwoogleSwoogle 3. Use Swoogle to find terms MetadataIndividualRelated concepts SurveyY Survey typeY-- LocationYYLocation, hasLocation, city, state, name, latitude, longitude dateYdc:date year, month, day, time Yxsd:dateTime Species, name YScientific name Tree taxonomy– IT IS pictureYfoaf:Image, foaf:depiction Ydc:subject Yfoaf:Person, dc:creator, foaf:mbox Ytagnumber, DBH
@ SwoogleSwoogle SwoogleSwoogle 4.A survey with better markup USA Maryland UMBC Joel Sachs T00:00:00Z+5:00 UMBC-PN profile
@ SwoogleSwoogle SwoogleSwoogle 5. The evolution of Survey ontology The survey instance file drive the development of Survey ontology (v1) urvey.rdf urvey.rdf Most terms are created by self. (v2) More reused terms Longitude and latitude may be borrowed in future.
@ SwoogleSwoogle SwoogleSwoogle Some Issues Inference complexity – OWL full or OWL DL? Ontology instance in Instance document InverseFunctionalProperty foaf:mbox, foaf:mbox_sha1sum has range xsd:anyURL and rdfs:Literal repectively, so it is DatatypeProperty. However, it cannot be InverseFunctionalProperty. Add class foaf:Mbox tagnumber placeName, place_name
@ SwoogleSwoogle SwoogleSwoogle Links Swoogle Swoogle tutorial slides available at Part 1 (printed) Part 2 (present and demo)