Status Report on Task Team of Drought Management Sandor Szalai Membet of TT-DM Szent Istvan University, Hungary


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Presentation transcript:

Status Report on Task Team of Drought Management Sandor Szalai Membet of TT-DM Szent Istvan University, Hungary

Content main activities and results outlooks for future (Work Programme 2013 – 2017) joint climate-hydrology aspects potential links with other RA VI activities

To review and evaluate drought monitoring capacities in RA VI countries Ali Umran Komuscu 1.1 Review and evaluate drought monitoring systems in RA VI countries with respect to droughts occurrence; 1.2 Review and evaluate development of benchmarks and indicators for drought monitoring

Task Assess the use of various drought indices in drought monitoring, assessment and forecasting both in non-operational and operational sense; 1.4 Identify ways of promoting the exchange of data and products, as well as of forecasts and warnings, during drought and pre-drought periods

Task Propose ways for ensuring effective cooperation with other international and regional bodies involved in drought monitoring

Results Surface based or satellite measurements SPI but… EDO, EDC DMCSEE List of indeces Lincoln Declaration

Make recommendations on addressing the needs for capacity building in RA VI countries, pertinent to drought monitoring Sandor Szalai 2.1 Assess previous efforts to enhance capacity building in RA VI countries 2.2 Identify limitations and restrictions of the current drought monitoring systems;

Task Identify current needs to enhance capacity building in RA VI countries in terms of both infrastructure and human resources; 2.4 Identify training needs (assessment, monitoring, mitigation of drought) in RA VI countries at national and regional level;

Task Assess benefits of pilot application projects that demonstrate value of using drought monitoring information; 2.6 Recommend future actions to be implemented to improve capacity building in RA VI countries.

Results UNISDR 4 pilar system Many drought project sometimes with missing met/clim info EU projects on stakeholder meetings, SPI Integrated Drought Management Programme (GWP)

To develop and provide guidelines on the implementation, use, and evaluation of Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) in drought monitoring Andreas Becker 3.1 Investigate potential use of SPI in drought monitoring in RA VI countries: advantages and disadvantages 3.2 Assess current use of SPI in drought monitoring outside and inside RA VI countries for meteorological, hydrological and agricultural purposes: learned lessons & experiences

Task Determine SPI drought trigging thresholds to set on-set and termination of drought as well as its severity 3.4 Set up guidelines on the implementation and use of SPI in drought monitoring at NMHSs of RA VI countries including assessment of training requirements for staff in charge: i. To investigate requirements to develop software tools to implement SPI in drought monitoring ii. To investigate possible assimilation of NWP outputs into SPI to predict near drought occurrences

Results SPI and PDSI RA VI!

To explore and propose effective ways of exchanging drought information (alerts) among RA VI countries prior to expected and evolving dry conditions and during the periods of drought events, in order to provide valuable decision-making information for policy-makers Antonio Mestre 4.1 Assess possible communication tools to disseminate drought related information and alerts in most efficient and effective ways

Task Assess tools to display for drought related information and alerts in most efficient and effective ways for policy-makers 4.3 Assess potential use of web site applications disseminate drought related information and alerts in most efficient and effective ways

Task Investigate potential use of temperature, precipitation, soil moisture and drought indices outlooks through web sites 4.5 Assess development of drought alert system in RA VI countries

Task Propose ways and methods for effective use of drought related information and alerts for the decisions makers

To identify and report on the scope for, and implementation of integrated drought monitoring approach in RA VI countries with respect to water resources and agriculture Giuseppina Monacelli 5.1 Develop an index to measure the implementation 5.2 Assess challenges for an effective development and implementation of integrated drought monitoring approaches in RA VI countries with respect to water resources and agriculture;

Task Assess adequacy of the meteorological and hydrologic networks in RA VI countries to develop and implement an integrated drought monitoring system with respect to water resources and agriculture; 5.4 Recommend concrete actions related to tackle current and projected challenges in integrated drought monitoring water resources and agriculture;

Task Recommend ways and means to improve education and awareness of policy makers and the public regarding the importance of improved drought monitoring as a part of integrated water resources management;

To propose ways for ensuring effective cooperation of NHMSs with other international and regional bodies involved in drought assessment and mitigation, particularly through Drought Management Centre for South East Europe (DMC/SEE), JRC, ADO Andreja Susnik 6.1 Assess needs of NHMSs for effective cooperation in drought monitoring with other international and regional bodies involved in drought assessment and mitigation both in terms of technical infrastructure and human resources

Task Recommend ways and means to facilitate exchange of knowledge, know-how and understanding to provide better services in drought monitoring among the NHMSs and other international and regional bodies as well; 6.3 Propose ways and means to facilitate exchange of expertise between NHMSs and other international and regional bodies involved in drought assessment and mitigation, particularly through Drought Management Centre for South East Europe (DMC/SEE)

To submit reports in accordance with timetables established by the WG-CH Chair/Co-Chairs and/or Management Group Ali Umran Komuscu Collect progress reports from TT DM members Compile and submit the TT report in accordance with timetables established by the WG-CH Chair/Co-Chairs and/or Management Group

Coordinate activities of the TT-DM and cooperation with other bodies Ali Umran Komuscu 8.1 Conduct coordination meetings if possible 8.1 Establish communication links within the TT-DM and with other TTs and WGs 8.3 Act upon the feedbacks and recommendations of the TT-DM members

Future Strenghten the cooperation on the field of drought projects Strenghten the observation/modelling interaction Support the Climate Services Observations, data management, research, capacity building (SPI, stakeholders) Hotspots (mountains)

Climate-Hydrology Using more complex indicators Cooperation with the agriculture (wider sense) Common part in the EWS Common part in teh CS

Other Activities Most of the WGs