E-LNE meeting Milan, 3rd November 2003 © METID [a cura di Matteo Uggeri]
Agenda 3rd November 2003 morning: 9:45 10:00 Short selfpresentation of each partner (about 15' for each partner, about 1h30') 11:20 coffee break 11:45 Video-conference with PLS Ramboll: presentation of company and of the EU Case Study: the 8 Best Practrices (about 45'?) 13.00 lunch afternoon: 14:00 14:00 Presentation of the Sixth Framework and incoming calls (about 45'; Mr. Salvatore Angilletta): expectations of EU commissaries 14:45 Future Strategy for Cooperation Contribution of the E-LNE to the EC-Policy: drawing a document of E-LNE presentation for European Commission; organizing meeting and workshops around Europe about e-learning and IST. common communication structure and tools (website, forum, mailing list) 16:00 coffee break 16:15 Video-conference with PLS Ramboll 17:00 Organizing the Meeting with EU Commissaries Any other business and proposals. end: 17.30 © METID [a cura di Matteo Uggeri]
Partecipants Politecnico di Milano: Finnish Virtual Institute: CANEGE: Alberto Colorni (director of METID) Laura Besana (METID) Paolo Marenghi (METID) Matteo Uggeri (METID) Neviano Dal Degan (Cefriel) Fabio Giani (Cefriel) Giancarlo Spinelli (director of CRI) Pier Luigi Della Vigna ZMML Bremen: Salvatore Pasquale Angilletta Yildiray Ogurol Manfred Wischnewsky UOC: Josep M. Duart Montoliu (Director de la Oficina de Proyectos Internacionales) Finnish Virtual Institute: Pekka Kess (Director of the Finnish Virtual University development unit) CANEGE: Michel Armatte (Université Paris Dauphine, project manager for CANEGE) Florence Ducreau (Université Nancy 2, director of Vidéoscop, in charge of CANEGE) Deborah Arnold (Université Nancy 2, e-learning project manager at Vidéoscop) Umeå University: Jerry Ando (Head of unit of Centre for Educational Technology) © METID [a cura di Matteo Uggeri]
Partecipants (video-conference) PLS Ramboll: Allan Christiansen (manager) Helle Warrer Poulsen (manager) Sanya Gertsen Pedersen (consultant) CNM (consortium, UK) Utrecht (Holland) © METID [a cura di Matteo Uggeri]