This project is part funded through the Rural Development Plan which is part financed by the European Union and the Welsh Assembly Government. Cyllidir y project hwn yn rhannol trwy’r Cynllun Datblygu Gwledig a gyllidir yn rhannol gan yr Undeb Ewropeaidd a Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru. Project CEFN Conwy ‘Improving Catchment Environmental Quality through better Soil and Nutrient Management in the Livestock Farming Landscape.’ 19.15Welcome Croeso – 20.15Speakers: Siaradwyr: Jo Hughes a Dr Julie Williamson (Swyddogion Project Officers) John Walsh (Prifysgol Bangor University) – 20.30Paper workGwaith papur – 21.00Buffet.Byffe.
CEFN Conwy soil testing and farm survey: RECAP Profi pridd ac arolygu ffermydd Conwy CEFN: ATGOFFA Soil testing – 2 fields per farm, analysed for pH, P, K and Mg, with recommendations. Farm survey – nutrient management activities and economics, decision-making. 104 fields tested – total of 1,000 acres; 50 farms surveyed – total of over 22,000 acres; Area of land under agriculture in Conwy – 188,000 acres. CEFN farm survey covered 12% of agricultural land in Conwy.
Soil testing – RESULTS Profi pridd – CANLYNIADAU. Soil pH – 77% of fields required liming
Soil testing – RESULTS Profi pridd – CANLYNIADAU Soil P index – the P crop requirement of 32% of fields tested could be met by using slurry or manure effectively.
Soil testing – RESULTS Profi pridd – CANLYNIADAU Soil K index – the K crop requirement of 40% of fields tested could be met by using slurry or manure effectively.
The potential economic value of cattle slurry, and the proportion of value attributable to the N, P and K contents. (Source: CEFN Conwy, 2010) NP2O5K2OTotal Value / m3£ 2.14£ 0.72£ 2.29£ 5.15 Value / 1000 gallons £ 9.63£ 3.24£ 10.31£ % of total value42%14%44% Typical economic value of a 30,000 litre per ha slurry application = £154. Using slurry effectively Defnyddio slyri yn effeithiol
Whole Farm Nutrient Balances Balans Maeth Fferm Gyflawn (provisional figures Ffigyrau dros dro) Based on: Information you gave us on products entering and leaving the farm gate over 12 month period; Using PLANET (Defra) methodology to calculate nutrient values; Not all CEFN farms completed yet; Allows comparison of CEFN whole farm surpluses with those of calculated ‘standard farm’ averages.
Nitrogen Surplus for individual CEFN farm holdings Gweddillion nitrogen ar gyfer ffermydd CEFN unigol Red bar represents ‘standard farm’ average surplus for beef suckler cow farms (Source: DEFRA report ES0124SID5, 2005). Bar coch yn cynrhychioli gweddillion cyfartaledd ffermydd gwartheg sugno ar “fferm safonol”.
Phosphate Surplus for individual CEFN farm holdings Gweddillion ffosffad ar gyfer ffermydd CEFN unigol Red bar represents ‘standard farm’ average surplus for beef suckler cow farms (Source: DEFRA report ES0124SID5, 2005). Bar coch yn cynrhychioli gweddillion cyfartaledd ffermydd gwartheg sugno ar “fferm safonol”.
Potash Surplus for individual CEFN farm holdings Gweddillion potash ar gyfer ffermydd CEFN unigol Red bar represents ‘standard farm’ average surplus for beef suckler cow farms (Source: DEFRA report ES0124SID5, 2005). Bar coch yn cynrhychioli gweddillion cyfartaledd ffermydd gwartheg sugno ar “fferm safonol”.
Testing Nitrification Inhibitors (DCD) on two CEFN farms. Arbrofi atalydd nitreiddiad (DCD) ar ddwy fferm CEFN. DCD reduces the amount of nitrogen lost from slurry applied in winter; DCD slows down soil microbe activity that leads to nitrate production (nitrification); Nitrate leaching is a common way of losing slurry N; Nitrous oxide (a powerful greenhouse gas) is another way of losing slurry N; Do we see greater pasture yields in Conwy if we use DCD with slurry applied in winter?
Nitrification Inhibitors (DCD) Trials Treialon atalydd nitrieddiad Mixing DCD with slurry Surface injection of slurry + DCD Mark fitting exclosure cage
Nitrification Inhibitor (DCD) trials with dairy slurry: Results Treialon atalydd neitriad gyda slyri gwartheg godro: Canlyniadau Grass dry matter yield, kg /ha 50% increase in dry matter yield with DCD applied Feb. 17, by spreader; old pasture (not reseeded in 20 years), many grass species; reasonable rooting depth; 13,500 L slurry / 25 kg N / acre; DCD mixed in reception pit. DCD did not improve dry matter yield siphon applied March 4, by injector; reseeded 8 years ago, ryegrass dominant; shallow rooting, compacted; 15,000 L slurry / 40 kg N / acre; DCD introduced via tanker siphon.
Other farm trials CEFN Conwy has assisted with / Treialon fferm arall y bu i Cefn Conwy eu helpu yn ystod Comparing: Anaerobic digestate (AD) with cattle slurry, applied after first cut silage; Poultry layer manure with sheep FYM blends on new pasture reseed; Cattle FYM, sheep FYM, broiler litter manure, sewage cake and water treatment solids on canary grass.
Filling up with anaerobic digestate from Holt Farm, Wrexham. Canary grass trial Pasture meter Other assisted trials