Regional Training Seminar on GTS Techniques and Procedures Guangzhou, December Lecture 9 Operational GTS management
Regional Training Seminar on GTS Techniques and Procedures Guangzhou, December
Regional Training Seminar on GTS Techniques and Procedures Guangzhou, December Management of GTS operations Catalogue of meteorological bulletins Routeing catalogues Monitoring results
Regional Training Seminar on GTS Techniques and Procedures Guangzhou, December Catalogue of meteorological bulletins Content of the catalogue of meteorological bulletins (Volume C1): –Volume C1 should include the bulletins transmitted for global, inter-regional and regional exchanges –The abbreviated heading, the code form and a description of the content is provided for each bulletin Presently, the WMO Members provide the Secretariat with the required information to update the Volume C1
Regional Training Seminar on GTS Techniques and Procedures Guangzhou, December Access to the Volume C1 Paper format Volume C1 is mailed to WMO Members twice a year Updating is distributed weekly in the GTS METNO messages and bi-monthly in the Operational Newsletter Electronic media Volume C1 is distributed on a diskette format Volume C1 is available in the WMO FTP server under ftp:// The information in the server is updated weekly
Regional Training Seminar on GTS Techniques and Procedures Guangzhou, December Improvement of the updating of Volume C1 –Significant differences between the content of Volume C1 and the bulletins actually exchanged on the GTS were noted by GTS meetings –CBS agreed: That the maintenance of Volume C1 by RTHs on the MTN would be the best means to ensure that the information is correct and regularly updated On formats and procedures for the maintenance of the Volume C1 by RTHs on the MTN –CBS invited Members to start the implementation of the new Volume C1 as from 1 March 1999
Regional Training Seminar on GTS Techniques and Procedures Guangzhou, December Maintenance of Volume C1 by RTHs
Regional Training Seminar on GTS Techniques and Procedures Guangzhou, December Routeing catalogues Objectives: –To ensure the consistency of the data exchange between GTS centres –To inform all GTS centres of the bulletins actually, or potentially, available at any GTS centre
Regional Training Seminar on GTS Techniques and Procedures Guangzhou, December Formats of the Routeing catalogues
Regional Training Seminar on GTS Techniques and Procedures Guangzhou, December Routeing catalogues Content –The routeing catalogue of a GTS centre: Should include the abbreviated of the bulletins – Received and/or transmitted on any GTS point-to-point circuit connected to the centre, via satellite distribution system of HF broadcasts, on any circuit established under a bilateral agreement –Scheduled to be received by the GTS centre, even if not actually forwarded on the GTS Should be updated monthly if possible, but less than every three months
Regional Training Seminar on GTS Techniques and Procedures Guangzhou, December Routeing catalogues Access –Each RTH, operating an FTP, server should make available its routeing catalogue on its FTP server –The RTH, not operating an FTP server, should transfer it into the WMO FTP server –Information on the means and procedures to access to the routeing directories of RTH is compiled in the WMO FTP server –RTH Offenbach operates a mirror site of the part of the WMO FTP server related to the routeing catalogues
Regional Training Seminar on GTS Techniques and Procedures Guangzhou, December Monitoring results The monitoring results permit to determine: –Deficiencies in the routeing of data by comparing the availability of data between centres e.g. the list of silent stations for a centre but not silent for other centres may be determined; then the list of bulletins received by the other centres, which included the reports from the list of silent stations, may be defined
Regional Training Seminar on GTS Techniques and Procedures Guangzhou, December Monitoring results The monitoring results permit to determine: –Non-adherence to WMO standard and practices, e.g. SYNOP reports from RBSN stations not compiled into bulletins for global exchange Bulletins with same abbreviated headings but with different contents –The bulletins received during a monitoring exercise but not included in the Volume C1
Regional Training Seminar on GTS Techniques and Procedures Guangzhou, December Improvement of the the content of the catalogues Comparisons between the sets of abbreviated headings included in the Volume C1, in the routeing catalogues and in the monitoring results: –Showed major differences between these sets –Stressed the need: For an harmonisation of the contents of the routeing catalogues For an improvement of the updating of Volume C1