The Future of Labour – Vol. II Book proposal Miroslav Beblavý
Concept The book will present the most interesting bits of the 2nd half of NEUJOBS for a sophisticated, but non-academic audience (+ WP3). We are planning an extensive dissemination through Brussels as well as to major capitals / policy-making institutions. This will be our most concerted push to make sure that we push out interesting findings of the 2 nd half of NEUJOBS beyond the narrowly academic circles – to follow up on the first volume
The book should be Innovative by having a Europe-wide perspective and fully integrating the new member states into the picture Research-based, but also fwd-looking and speculative Integrate employment and socioecological transition as well as various disparate topics influencing the employment picture Written in an accessible language for educated audience, but not specialized / jargon
Objectives The book will deliver on two deliverables and one milestone of NEUJOBS: – D22.7 and 8 A collective volume summarising the results of Group 4 and 5 – D20.1 (EU policy chapters) – MS43 one of three collective workshops
Target audience Policy-makers / senior public administrators – EU level Policy-makers / senior public administrators – national level Academic libraries Researchers in the area of employment, SET, economic growth, welfare state, skills, EU affairs Specialized journalists
Publisher Similarly to Vol. I, the book will be published via CEPS rather than using a commercial publisher to facilitate a speedy publication and marketing. Editor Miroslav Beblavý + CEPS team
Timeline and next steps The research teams propose a structure of their section. This should consist of a one page outline, with bullet points. – Deadline: April 30, 2014 CEPS will provide feedback and propose a final structure of the book – May 15, 2014 Authors will submit draft chapters – July 31, 2014 Submission of final draft to printers (includes proofreading, layout etc) – December 31, 2014 Physical publication of the book including book launch in Brussels – February 15, 2015
Organization of work The book is organized into five chapters. With the exception of the last chapter, each chapter will be written by numerous teams / authors. Each author will be responsible for a specific SECTION of a chapter The editor then for putting their sections together.
What each contributor could (should) do For each section, there should be – An author (there can be more than one as long as it is clear who is responsible for delivering the manuscript) – If relevant, other authors – who draft parts of the chapter (approx words or more) – cited / referred to authors who might be acknowledged by reference to their research in the text or in chapter acknowledgements (their papers are used or they provide little snippets of text) – In terms of style, the chapter needs to have a completely different tone compared to the working papers it will be based on. It aims at reaching a wider, albeit informed, audience. It would be useful for example to start with some questions related to current or future policy challenges.
Content specification I. Total expected length is set at words – but that is purely indicative Each section has an indicated suggested length that includes references and charts / tables. Each chart / table should count for 250 words. Each SECTION should be written in a clear accessible style and summarize NEUJOBS research in the area. It should focus on: – Key empirical findings (each section should have 5-10 key findings) – Illustrated with data – What are the implications – Be fwd-looking where possible – Include explicit and clearly stated key policy implications
Content specification II. Its primary sources should be – NEUJOBS policy briefs – NEUJOBS working papers – Presentation from the NEUJOBS mid-term conference – Other papers / documents Since writing a chapter for this book is not specifically paid for in the budget, it is perfectly acceptable to use shorter or longer pieces of text from other outputs (e.g. policy briefs). HOWEVER, the format used in policy briefs is generally not suitable for the book, since it tends to be generalizing and without specific charts / tables / findings. So it is not advisable just to copy and past whole sections.
STRUCTURE Introduction Suggested length: 5000 words Author: Miroslav Beblavý + CEPS team Ch. I: Energy and employment WP3 +WP11 Suggested length: words Ch. II: Transport and housing WP14 + WP15 Suggested length: words Ch. III: Care for all ages WP12, 13, 16, 17 Suggested length: words Ch. IV: True outsiders - Roma and migrants WP18 + WP19 Suggested length: words Chapter V: Policy implications Suggested length: words Author: Iain Begg, LSE