Community Bond Oversight Committee Report to the Board of Trustees Presented by: Ashton Cumberbatch, Bobby Jenkins, and Eliza May March 7, 2011
CBOC REPORT Bond Projects Status Major Projects Remaining: Construction of the New Bus Terminal Construction of the soccer fields Site selection and construction of New North Central Elementary School Bond Program PhaseTotal ProjectsCompleted ProjectsTotal Project Budget I91 $196,311,445 II6967$70, 847,343 III63 $99,287,503 IV2625$55,931,569 V1312$18,199,959
CBOC REPORT Bond Projects Status Bond Program PhaseTotal ProjectsCompleted ProjectsTotal Project Budget I4128$184,558,157 II2517$13,802,276 III130$4,514,360 IVTBD0 Major Projects Completed: 12 science classroom additions and renovations Technology improvements Additions and renovations at various schools Major Projects Remaining: Construction of a New Cold Storage Warehouse Construction of the New Early Childhood Center Site selection for and construction of 2008 Undesignated Elementary School Site selection for and construction of the New Performing Arts Center
CBOC REPORT Program Contingency – 2004 Bond Program 3
CBOC REPORT Program Contingency – 2008 Bond Program 4
CBOC REPORT Role of CBOC in Determining Use of Remaining Funds When it has been established that there are surplus funds from the 2004 and 2008 bond programs: Toward the end of the bond programs, when there is clear evidence that all projects can be completed within the project budgets, staff will present a list of recommended projects that would address known facility deficiencies that have been identified through the District’s facility condition assessment, its Facility Master Plan efforts, or during the CBOC oversight process of the bond programs.
CBOC REPORT Role of CBOC in Determining Use of Remaining Funds These recommended projects must fall within the intention of the original bond referendum. Once the CBOC approves the list of recommended projects, it is forwarded to the Board of Trustees for its receipt of public input and subsequent approval in its final form.
CBOC REPORT Site Acquisition – 2004 Bond Program Property for 5 of the 6 elementary schools has been acquired and construction completed (Clayton, Perez, Blazier, Overton and Baldwin); site for North Central Elementary has been identified and discussions with the property owners are ongoing Property for both middle schools have been acquired and construction is completed (Garcia and Gorzycki) Board approved the purchase of a site for a future Southeast Middle School; closing activities are underway Site of Southeast Bus Terminal purchased and design is nearing completion; expected construction completion summer
CBOC REPORT Site Acquisition – 2008 Bond Program Staff is negotiating purchase of the preferred site for the Performing Arts Center Real-estate consultant is conducting search for site for future South High School and preparing to review results with the Board Site of Early Childhood Center purchased and design is nearing completion; expected construction completion summer 2012 Location of undesignated elementary school will be based on demographic reports and results of Facility Master Plan 8
CBOC REPORT Prevailing Wage Update To date, seven wage rate compliance inquiries have been received Three inquiries determined to be in compliance Four inquiries, including one new inquiry since the last CBOC report, determined to be out of compliance To date, 36 random worker surveys performed by AISD project managers; all appeared to be in compliance Inquiries are immediately investigated; certified payroll is reviewed When inquiry is determined to be out of compliance, the District withholds funds from contractor until issue has been settled 9
CBOC REPORT HUB Update Overall % of the $434,624,962 in contracts awarded for the 2004/2008 Bond Programs has been awarded to HUBs Professional Services Participation is 34.84% --$56,559,233 Construction Services Participation is 23.03% --$378,065,729 Small Firm Participation is 59.72% --$434,624,962 Local Firm Participation is 84.77% -- $ 434,624,962 Phase I of the Mentor-Protégé Program was successfully completed; During the program: mentors were awarded a total of $88,926,883; and protégés were awarded $1,573,055 Phase II of the Mentor-Protégé Program has begun HUB Subcommittee has been formed 10
CBOC REPORT Communications Update Eblasts – topics included general updates, site acquisition process and update, Baldwin dedication, Facility Master Plan, technology projects, annual report and CBOC reports to the Board Annual Report – covers 2004 and 2008 Bond Programs; will be distributed in Austin American Statesman and ¡Ahora Sí! in late spring 2011 Dedication – for Baldwin ES was held November 14, 2010 Surveys – 24 facilities were surveyed; 1,259 total responses received 11
CBOC REPORT Safety Update From July 2010 to December 2010, three accidents were reported: ‒ Three Contractor Injuries: Broken arm Strained back Debris in eyes 2008 Bureau of Labor Statistics “Nonresidential Building Construction,” nationwide, contractors in 2009 had 4.4 accidents per 100 employees; bond issue contractors had only 3.19 accidents per 100 employees 12 Reported Injuries Sept December 2010 Contractor injuries reported10 Student injuries reported3 Teacher injuries reported0 Staff injuries reported0 Visitor injuries reported0
CBOC REPORT Sustainability Update Total of $1,134,059 in rebates from Austin Energy; $28,321 more in rebates in process New construction and renovations continue to achieve goal of 2-star or greater rating from AEGBP: Summer energy conservation program expanded this fall to all campuses District-wide Single-Stream Recycling Program Elementary School Educational Food Waste Composting Program Food/Ag Waste Pilot Program at Lanier High School 13 RatingNew Schools/FacilitiesAdditions 2-Star 3 Awarded 2 Pending/Expected 4 Awarded 5 Pending/Expected 3-Star 3 Awarded 1 Pending 2 Awarded 3 Pending/Expected 4-Star 2 Awarded 2 Pending/Expected
CBOC REPORT Technology Update Computers on Wheels (COW) Refresh – Phase 1 of this program provided 7,490 netbooks to campuses for use with mobile labs; Phase 2 will provide a similar number to campuses Mobile Carts – Phase 1 deployed 500 carts in conjunction with the COW program mobile labs; Phase 2 will provide a similar number of carts Classroom Computers Refresh – 7,000 desktops deployed to campuses; next phase will distribute 6,500 desktops Campus Printer Refresh – complete; 1,320 printers distributed Document Management – This program now includes paperless workflow; vendor has been selected and the contract is pending approval Technology for Special Education – 90 color laser printers were deployed in November; 5 LCD interactive touch screens (TAPit boards) were deployed in January 14
CBOC REPORT Recognitions The tri-chairs would like to take this opportunity to recognize the dedication of our fellow members. Our committee is a group of dedicated individuals who take their charge very seriously. Our members are consistently involved, and three have taken on the extra responsibility of serving on the Facility Master Plan Task Force. 15
CBOC REPORT Challenges For 2004 Bond Program, increased costs for site acquisitions in current market Lack of maintenance funding has an adverse impact on new and expensive capital improvements provided by bond programs Possibility of increasing sustainability requirements in future projects REQUEST: Final date when the Board will make a decision on a site for the New North Central Elementary School 16
Community Bond Oversight Committee Report to the Board of Trustees Presented by: Ashton Cumberbatch, Bobby Jenkins, and Eliza May March 7, 2011