Concrete and Abstract Nouns By Naz K. and Vikram K.
What is a concrete or abstract noun? Concrete Noun Names a thing that is tangible (can be seen, touched, heard, smelled, or tasted). Concrete nouns are either common or proper. Abstract Noun Names an idea, a condition, or a feeling. In other words, something that can not be eaten, seen, heard, or smelled.
Examples of Concrete nouns I petted the dog. The monkey stole my little sister’s banana. Asya ate my cookie!
Examples of Abstract Nouns James felt sadness because he lost his hamster. Robin was overcome with happiness when her dad gave her the dog on Christmas.
Practice Makes Perfect!!! Click on the concrete or abstract noun in each sentence. Concrete Nouns The puppy was filled with sadness when the dog stole his bone. My cat ate a rat for lunch. Many people are vegetarians, which means they don’t eat animals. I love to eat ice cream because it is very sweet. The marching band played a song during the parade. Abstract Nouns The swimmer has a lot of strength. Ben’s heart was filled with happiness when he saw his first paycheck. The policewoman was given a trophy for courage. If I had a million dollars, I’d get rid of all the poverty in the world. I feel hunger after I play basketball.
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Awesome!!! You clicked on the correct noun. Keep up the good work!!!
Sorry!!! That’s not it. You clicked on the wrong noun. Good luck next time!!!