World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO Climate & Water Department SIDE EVENTS on GLOBAL FRAMEWORK FOR CLIMATE SERVICES Side Event VI: Understanding User Needs for Climate Services 23 May 2011 WMO Congress XVI, CICG, Geneva, Switzerland
WMO OMM Speakers and Panelists Speakers: Dr Michele Bernardi, Leader, Climate Impact Team, Climate, Energy and Tenure Division, Natural Resources Management and Environment Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) Mr Mohammed Omer Mukhier, Head, Community Preparedness and Risk Reduction Department, IFRC Panelists: Dr Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Senior Scientist, Public Health and Environment Department, World Health Organization (WHO) Ms Laura Fontaine, Partnership Advisor, Natural Environment and Climate Issues, World Vision International Dr Josefina Maestu, Coordinator/Director, UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication
WMO OMM Key questions Key questions 1. What are the major areas of work in the user sectors to be considered, and how are these areas structured (e.g. in the agriculture sector, the major areas are education, research and extension) ? 2. What kind of climate information products and services are required in these major areas of work ? 3. At what frequency and level of accuracy are such products or services desired by the user sectors ? 4. What mechanisms need to be established to promote better interactions between user sectors and providers of climate services ?