The CVR Local Area Network (LAN) The purpose of the network is to enhance productivity, provide users with access to resources, and to provide a legal software management platform for the division The network installation has involved ordering the equipment, setting up the server, network cabling, installing the server, and workstation setup The CVR network will provide increased capabilities to users at the CVR
LAN Capabilities Electronic Mail Printer Sharing Private Network Drive Shared Common Drive Software Packages Software Utilities Training Other Capabilities
Electronic Mail is provided through the use of Microsoft Mail for Windows Files can be sent ot other users on the network by “attaching” them to messages. Future capabilities include: Messages and files can be sent to other corporate SAIC network users at McLean and other sites. Users can access the system from their homes, laptops, etc through remote mail. Internet access is provided through the system.
Printer Sharing All printers will be setup so that users can access at least two printers from their desks Users can send printouts to more than one printer on the network. Users can see the current contents of a printer que, move their own print jobs from one printer to another, and delete their own print jobs.
Private Network Drive Each user will have a “home” drive The drive is labeled “H:” which stands for home The drive can only be accessed by the user and the network administrator Users must login in order to access data on their home drive This drive area for storage is more secure than your hard disk drive
Shared Common Drive All users have access to the common drive This drive is labeled drive “I:” The drive can be used to store shared files, project data, etc. The drive is not used as a location for actual software packages Files can be exchanged through but the common drive provides the ability for users to edit or share the same data
Software Packages Users will have access to major software programs from their desks: MS Word (word processing), MS PowerPoint (graphics), MS Excel (spreadsheet), MS Access (database), MS Project (management), MS Mail (electronic mail), WordPerfect for DOS/Windows (word processing). All these software applications will run from the server and therefore your hard disk will only have to contain MS-DOS, network login files, and your data
Software Utilities Several utility programs are available through the network and these include: Intel Virus Scan, Print Que Management, and Novell Netware. Intel Virus Scan provides the capability to scan your hard disk and floppy disks for viruses. The network already has a program that checks for viruses on the server and on any network traffic. The Print Que Management allows the user to see what print jobs are on the printers, move their own print jobs, and delete their own print jobs. The Novell Netware utilities give you the ability to send short messages to other users, see who is logged on, and perform other minor network tasks.
Training Software training is available through SAIC employees to provide individual training to operation members Specifically, training can be provided for: The Network Itself (we will have a brownbag on this) Applications including: –MS Windows, MS Mail, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Project, WordPerfect. The major windows applications have built-in tutorials which can be accessed from the applications’ help menu
Other Capabilities New functions of the LAN will become available as they are installed and/or needed Brownbags will be held from time-to-time to inform users of new capabilities and for overviews of network features Other special software packages are available to certain users who need them Future network enhancements may include: remote computing, faxing from your desktop, shared modem access, VAX access through modem.
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