Board of Directors- Governance Scot Carley, Jeremy Evans, Jennifer Fears, Rachel Tracy, Rebecca Evans serve on the School Board We have two community/parent seats currently open Volunteer for once or twice a month meetings to provide oversight of the school and set policy All fun and very important role to play! Strategic Planning for the future of Rolling Hills
Enrollment and Attendance First 2 months of school and best 28 weeks of school determine our funding Enrollment is 250 right now with capacity of 272. We have a goal this year of 255. Transition to Middle School is critical 100% attendance celebrations
Technology Support provided by Virtual IT Interns from Meridian Technical Charter High School Two computer labs Student log ins that are directory protected so their files don’t get corrupted Wireless throughout the building Printers in computer lab and office Operating system upgrade to Windows 7
Math Curriculum My Math for Grades K,1,2,3,4,5 Glencoe Core Math level I,II, III and Advanced Math for Middle School IDLA math opportunity for HS credit Supported by easyCBM data from Benchmark testing using CCSS Math
Finances Building Hope has provided us with financial services and stability. Maintenance of the building is ongoing, but we have been able to save on labor by having Eagle Scout projects support the needs of the building. We have a contingency fund that will support us for 1 month, need to do more over the next 3 years Always seeking for ways to save money Grant writing!
Parent Involvement- Volunteer Orientation training- 6:30-7:00 tonight We welcome the parents to get involved School facilities, maintenance, project help Take home volunteer work for teachers Classroom, Library, technology assisting Office support for Mrs. Friend Photo day and special school events PFA Booster Club (Athletics)