ICON The role of the Change Management Team To test and refine the change process that will be used by schools to plan and prepare for the introduction of ICON and Ultranet.
ICON ~ Objective Provided by the Catholic Education Office: To improve the quality of teaching and learning through the introduction of Ultranet/ICON.
ICON ~ Theme Collaborative online learning for all students and teachers.
ICON ~ Vision Together we will be a dynamic community of learners, who are purposefully equipped to be creative and highly skilled global citizens, motivated to make positive contributions to the 21 st century.
The journey so far….
Workshop One: Created a team charter. Drew our view of the future. Invited stakeholders to draw their view of the future.
Workshop Two: Collated the drawings and contributions of stakeholders. Completed the Thinking/Feeling/Saying/Doing activity Created ‘Vivid Descriptions’ and our Vision. Took the Vision to stakeholders for feedback.
Workshop Three: Revised Vision Statement with reference to stakeholder feedback. Listed and prioritised the opportunities for change.
Case for Change ObjectivesActivitiesDeliverablesBenefits Time /SkillsDedicated PLT’s /PD times. Teacher time. ICT coordinator with class time 1 day release. Release for elearning and curriculum. Review timetabling. Coaching in and out of class time. Staff working together with leaders. Updated up to date class blogs. Integration of contemporary tools across the curriculum. Staff are skilled in providing opportunities for collaboration. Meet the demands of other external projects. And commitments. Meet our own individual learning goals. Building collaboration Building confidence Building capacity Providing an experience of being a global citizen for students and staff Students and staff engagement through teamwork, leading to increased morale Shared understandings Leading community enthusiasm
ObjectivesActivitiesDeliverablesBenefits ICT/ Tools Reliable and accessible ICT Ensure equity of access to all tools: IWB, computers, cameras, printers. All levels will have appropriate tools. Timetabled ICT usage. Regular effective maintenance. Curriculum planning to incorporate tools. Students have access to tools to complete their work in a timely way. Teachers utilising tools. Highly skilled and equipped teachers and learners. Staff, student and parent collaboration and engagement. Confident skilled learners. Collaborative and creative learners and teachers.
What’s next? We need input from the steering committee before we look at the next stages of the process: - How? (Developing solutions) - When? (Getting the go ahead) Are we heading in a helpful, achievable direction? Is there clear congruency between our vision and our priorities? What else might we need to take into account?
Your Feedback… Many of the identified activities had been/were already being addressed. Some of the identified activities could be included in long-range planning (infrastructure) There is a further opportunity to aim for increased parent involvement.
Quick Wins Individual mail out. Presenting to Advisory Board. Parent Information Nights. Surveying parents and students. Ensuring all staff had updated blogs to showcase.
Fishbone and Five Whys We used a fishbone analysis to unpack idea that ‘parents are not engaged in collaborative online learning’. We identified through this process, and the Five Why’s process that we had made the assumption that teachers were sufficiently engaged in collaborative online learning. This re-shifted our focus back to teachers as a starting point.
Updated project status ObjectivesActionsDeliverablesBenefitsKPIsCSFs List the key objectives of your project. What you are seeking to do Time to update blogs and prepare for Collaborative Online Learning. All staff skilled up and committed. List the major things that must be done to make it successful Dedicated PLT and PD times. Teacher time. ICT coordinator with day of release. Release for elearning and curriculum. Review timetables. Coaching in and out of class time. What will be delivered as a result of the activities Staff working together with leaders. Updated calss blogs. Integration of contemporary tools across curriculum. Staff are skilled in providing opportunities for collaboration. Meeting demands of other external projects and commitments (PDC). Meets our own individual learning goals. What value your project is going to provide Building collaboration, confidence, capacity. Providing an experience to be global citizens. Student and staff engagement through teamwork (leading to parents). Shared understandings. Increased community enthusiasm. Measures you will take to evaluate success Refer to COL Agreement Increased access to blogs. Student engagement survey data. Successful quad blogging. The essential factors necessary from others in order to realise the benefits Time allocation for leaders. Workshops. PD’s. Reliable tech support. Maintenance of equipment. Investment in equipment. © Creating Tomorrow Ltd Step 12 page 17
New Quick Wins… Staff meeting discussion – what is Collaborative Online Learning? Blogging workshops and 1:1 coaching offered to all staff.
Opportunity and Solution Opportunity: How do we further engage teachers in online learning? Solution? Brainstormed various ideas. Voted on the solution – ACCOUNTABILITY. Tested the solution using a concerns/benefits process. Created the Detailed Design Template. Presented this to staff.
Detailed Design Template
Evidence of Effectiveness of Accountability Increased role clarity Measurable progress Updated, engaging online work opportunities Engaged students Detailed programming Mentoring and coaching opportunities Personal and group achievements Professional showcasing of work Annual timeline of agreed actions Staff appraisal and feedback Tracking of professional learning goals Rewards for achievement Policy and clarity of expectations LINKS TO AAP/SIP
More Quick Wins… Collaborative Online Learning Agreement (short term). Blogging workshops. Enrolment in Reading Eggs. Negotiation of various levels of involvement in Collaborative Online Learning.
Planning for Success
What if ? Identify and manage potential risks. What if Collaborative Online Learning doesn’t improve Student Outcomes? What if teachers don’t see Collaborative Online Learning as purposeful in relation to student outcomes?
Key Actions
Communication Needs
Is it clear that… The Core Team hold Student Outcomes at the centre of this work? The Core Team’s objectives align with St. Kevin’s School Improvement Planning and Vision? Authentically engaging teachers is the primary step in the change process? The time-lining and communication planning are realistic, relevant and achievable? There are compelling reasons for Collaborative Online Learning to be a teaching and learning priority for our school?
Thank you The Core Team would like to acknowledge the immense support and wise guidance of Carol Grinsted and John Corkhill, who have facilitated this process with patience, humour and skill. We would also like to thank the Steering Committee for supporting the Core Team and providing valuable feedback. And a huge thank you to Laura Soding, Donna Petkovic, Merrilyn Callen, Eva Tomazos, Rebecca Ryan and Larissa Boyhan for their tireless and passionate commitment to this important work.