Section 1: Invention & Innovations Chapter 8 Section 1: Invention & Innovations
The Industrial Revolution Began in ______in the 1700’s with changes in the ______ industry ______ began working together in mills using the power of flowing water to power their tools
Spinning Jenny, Water frame, & Power loom Increase efficiency & profits Steam engine (who invented this? ______) Pumped water out of mines, ran textile machines, etc
The Birth of the US Textile Industry Textile workers couldn’t move out of ______ & people could send drawings of textile machinery to other countries Interchangeable Parts- (define)______.
Interchangeable Parts Eli ______ Contract to make 10,000 ______ in 2 years Took over 10 years & still had flaws Made all of the parts ______
The Cotton Gin Is a machine that ______ Important effects ______ depended on cotton as their major crop Planters needed more land Increased the number of ______ Cotton profit skyrocketed
Transportation & Communication Roads First were carved out of forests “______ Roads” Travel was bumpy & uncomfortable
River travel Roads functioned mainly to connect ______ Routes didn’t work both ways Robert ______ invented the steam boat “Clermont”
______ made it possible for western farmers & southern planters to increase their trade & profits
Canals Transport goods ______ on water Built ______ waterways Most famous was ______ Canal opened in 1825 Links the ______ with the Great Lakes
Railroads Proved more ______ Could ______ 1828- first American Railroad began in ______ Baltimore & Ohio (B & O) line Eventually would put most canals out of business
An expanding economy Market revolution Began ______, borrowing and circulating money and creating wealth People bought items they made for themselves.
Working outside the home 1800’s rise in manufacturing increased the demand for people who would work _____, for a specific number of hours each day & for a certain amount of money Used the ______ system
The Role of Banks The Rise of the ______ Industry Appeared in the 1780’s & 1790’s To start a new bank, what would happen? Banks made money by doing what?
Uncontrolled Lending 1800’s states didn’t restrict banks’ run away lending Often made ______ to people who couldn’t pay them back If a bank doesn’t have enough money, it could lead to ______
If a bank couldn’t meet the ______ needs, it would go out of business Led to ______
The Northern Section Section 2 Two regions Populous northeast- ______ Old Northwest- ______
Farming in the Old Northwest Ideal growing ground for corn, wheat, & other grains New innovations John Deere’s ______ could cut through the heavy soil
______ mechanical reaper made harvesting grains less labor intensive & more profitable Farmers had to use the grains quickly or they would spoil Fed to animals that produced other things
The Growth of Cities Many people moved looking for ______ ______ life differed greatly from the colonial times Workers spent more time away from the household
Families often had no support in times of need Filled by hospitals & schools Growing number of urban poor people lived in areas with ______ Known as ______
Cities couldn’t handle the rapid ______ Many lacked ______ These urban areas acquired wealth & political influence gained from being creators of industry
Labor disputes in factories Early industries aimed to make a profit at ______ Paid little & didn’t provide a healthy working environment Workers go on ______
The First Labor Unions National Trades Union 1834 300,000 people joined ______ by 1830’s Soon died out Factory owners obtained ______