Industrialization, Nationalism, and Imperialism The Events that will shape the first half of the 20 th Century will happen in the 19 th Century.
Industrial Revolution This refers to the greatly increased output of machine-made goods that began in England. The Agricultural Revolution paved the way for the Industrial Revolution. Advances In Agriculture: Scientific Farming and Rotating Crops lead to larger populations. This first happened in England.
England Industrializes First Natural Resources that lead to Industrializations England: 1. water power and coal to fuel the new machines 2. Iron ore to construct machines, tools, and buildings 3. Rivers for inland transportation 4. Harbors from which merchant ships set sail
England and Industrialization Textile Industry Industrializes First: This was largely due to the flying shuttle. Transportation: Watts Steam Engine; Robert Fulton’s steamboat; Richard Trevithick steam locomotive
Urbanization This was a large movement of people to the city. Caused by the Industrial Revolution. Living conditions in the city and working conditions were bad. Because of this the tension between the middle and upper class arises.
Germany Industrializes The Ruhr Valley industrialized first. They followed England’s example. The most important thing they did was connect their manufacturing cities by railroad. By the late 1800’s Germany was a industrial and military giant.
Japan Industrializes Japan followed the European model of industrialization. Soon they would follow the European powers by seizing colonies.
Adam Smith Laissez-faire: idea of allowing owners of industry to set working conditions without interference. Smith disagreed with this idea. The following was his ideas. He was for free trade. 1. Law of interest– People work for their own good 2. Law of competition– Competition forces people to make a better product 3. The law of supply and demand
Karl Marx Socialism: an economic system in which factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all. Marx: he introduced the radical type of socialism called Communism. The Communist Manifesto. Marx’s communism said all means of production are owned by the people.
A Sense of Pride Nationalism is the belief that people’s greatest loyalty should not be with its king or an empire but to a nation of people who share common culture and history. When a nation has its own independent government it becomes a nation-state.
Examples of the Nationalist Movement Greece and the Balkans: France: 1848 Belgium: 1830 Russia:
Italy becomes united. Camillo di Cavour is the man most responsible for uniting Italy. Between 1852 and 1866 Cavour with the help of Giuseppe Garibaldi succeeded in uniting the entire Italian peninsula.
Germany Unites In 1815, 39 German states formed a loose grouping called the German Confederation. One of these German states was Prussia. It would lead Germany towards unification. In 1848 rioters in Berlin forced a constitutional convention to write a liberal constitution, this would pave the way for unification.
Otto von Bismarck leads Unification In 1862 Bismarck, a Junker, was named prime minister of Prussia by Wilhelm I. His job was to deal with the liberal parliament. He used what is known as realpolitik. This means “the politics of reality.” Bismarck would rule without the consent of parliament and without a legal budget.
Bismarck Lays Down the Law (Do not write, Listen) “It is not by means of speeches and majority resolutions that the great issues of the day will be decided—that was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849—but by blood and iron.”
Steps to Unification: All of this was designed by Bismarck. Alliance between Prussia and Austria. This was used to win a war against Denmark and gain the territory Schleswig and Holstein. Seven Weeks War: Prussia defeats Austria. The Franco-Prussian War: Prussia defeats France. King Wilhelm I is named Kaiser of the new Germany. The Second Reich.
Japan Nationalizes The Emperor Meiji was the man behind the modernization of Japan. He followed the Western path to modernization. He installed public education, he had railroads built, coal production increased, and the tea and silk industry were expanded. By the early 20 th century Japan was as advanced as any in the world.
Japan as a Military Power By 1890 Japan was the military leader in Asia. They had dozens of warships and an army of 500,000. In 1903 they got to prove their military might.
Russo-Japanese War The war was fought over who would control Manchuria, China and Korea. Japan said it would recognize Russia’s control in Manchuria if the Russians stayed out of Korea. Russia refused. In 1904 Japan attacks the Russian fleet. From Japan drives Russia out of Korea and destroyed or captured most of the Russian fleet.
Imperialism in Africa and Asia Imperialism: the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Three examples of Imperialism: 1. Britain: South Africa 2. France: Indochina 3. Japan: Asia
Britain and South Africa From South Africa was ruled by the tribe known as the Zulus. However, by 1879 the British had arrived. The Zulu’s fought bravely, but were eventually defeated in1887.
South Africa under British Rule To gain complete rule the British still had to deal with the Boers, Dutch born South Africans. This lead to the Boer War, the first “total war.” The British won. From 1910 on South Africa would suffer under British rule. Britain would use the four forms of colonial control. These are colony, protectorate, sphere of influence, and economic imperialism.
France in Indochina The French had been involved in Southeast Asia since the 17 th Century. They even helped the Nguyen Dynasty come to power. Eventually, the French gained almost complete control in the 1840’s. The colonial impact was that France and Europe made money off the crops and goods made there, while the people suffered.
Japan in Asia After Japan defeated Russia in 1905 they took control of Korea. They were harsh rulers. They shut down Korean newspapers and schools, they took land from Korean farmers, and forbade Koreans from starting businesses.
First Half of the Review What was the Industrial Revolution? What country was the first to industrialize? What led the way to the Industrial Revolution? What two advancements in agriculture helped lead to the Industrial Revolution? What four natural resources were vital to England industrializing?
Review What industry industrialized first? What invention caused this industry to industrialize faster? What three inventions lead to faster transportation? Why was this important? Define Urbanization.
Review What were living and working conditions like in the cities during the Industrial Revolution? Describe the Industrialization of Germany. Describe the Industrialization of Japan. Define laissez-faire. Did Adam Smith agree with these ideas? What were Adam Smith’s ideas? What was Karl Marx’s ideas?