History 7: United States History Jessica Barbata Rm. 6 Office Hours: By Appointment (M/T/Th)
Philosophy Build Skills Vertically (7-12) Outlines, Primary Sources, Timed Writing, Political Cartoons Work Across Disciplines To Kill a Mockingbird Historical Curiosity & LOVE of history Ask QUESTIONS! Current Events
History 7 Curriculum Semester 1 Unit 1: American Revolution Unit 2: Constitution & New Government Unit 3: Abolition & Reform Unit 4: Expansion & Causes of the Civil War Unit 5: Civil War Semester 2 Unit 6: Reconstruction Unit 7: TKMB & Civil Rights Movement, 1950s-1960s Unit 8: Native Americans Unit 9: Immigration Unit 10: Women & LGBTQ+
PCS Website
Homework On Whiteboard should go into planner Unit Assignment Schedule distributed in hard copy Also available electronically on the PCS website & Infinite Campus
Homework Students should be working on history homework EVERY NIGHT TEXTBOOK Section Assessments Outlines Worksheets Primary Source Analysis KEY TERMS STUDY GUIDES Major Assignments: Projects, Essays
History Organizational Packet (HOP) HOPs are entered as a single grade, but include an entire unit of work HOPs (with self-evaluation filled out) are due at the end of every unit (usually on the day of the unit test) The evaluation sheet and packet should be looked over by a parent/guardian and signed
Late Work Policy Regular homework is stamped to verify on-time completion Key Terms are checked and credit is given via a stamp on the HOP Assignments submitted in the HOP w/out a stamp receive up to ½ credit. Major class assignments such as HOPs, essays, presentations and projects of any kind will be marked down HALF A GRADE(5%) for each day they are late.
Test Retakes Students can retake tests when they receive lower than 75% Test retakes receive a max. of 75%. Students should schedule their retake with me (available during Tutorial in room 5 or in Study Hall at lunch or afterschool)
Infinite Campus HOPs are collected/graded at the end of a unit Infinite Campus won’t change on a regular basis Ungraded= no score and/or (T) Missing= (M) & 0 Late= (L) Comments/Rubrics
Communication Please have YOUR STUDENT contact me if they have any questions, concerns or need assistance.