ARBUS 300 Presentation Skills
Today’s Agenda: Admin Ted Talk Assignment Presentation Skills For next week…
Admin: Questions about grades PMI attendance posted 3 rd (and final) Practicum date: March 23 6:30pm- 9:30pm. Attendance mandatory to complete Mentor Me assignment. Start thinking about who you would like in your team for the social media analysis assignment.
Clicker Question: Do you have a fear of public speaking? A. Yes B. No Do you enjoy public speaking? A. Yes B. No Do you consider yourself good at public speaking? A. Yes B. No
TED Talk Assignment Due Friday February 27 11:59pm
What is TED? TED is a platform for ideas worth spreading. Technology, Education, Design Started in 1984 More than 100 languages. Independent TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world.
1.Thou Shalt Not Simply Trot Out thy Usual Shtick 2.Thou Shalt Dream a Great Dream, or Show Forth a Wondrous New Thing, Or Share Something Thou Hast Never Shared Before 1.Thou Shalt Reveal thy Curiosity and Thy Passion 2.Thou Shalt Tell a Story 3.Thou Shalt Freely Comment on the Utterances of Other Speakers for the Sake of Blessed Connection and Exquisite Controversy The Ten TED Commandments
6.Thou Shalt Not Flaunt thine Ego. Be Thou Vulnerable. Speak of thy Failure as well as thy Success. 7.Thou Shalt Not Sell from the Stage: Neither thy Company, thy Goods, thy Writings, nor thy Desparate need for Funding; Lest Thou be Cast Aside into Outer Darkness. 8.Thou Shalt Remember all the while: Laughter is Good. 9.Thou Shalt Not Read thy Speech. 10.Thou Shalt Not Steal the Time of Them that Follow Thee The Ten TED Commandments
Your TED Talk should be … 4-6 minutes in length (no more, no less) In response to a question relating to business/careers Example: Why does work not happen at work? *See Assignment details on LEARN
Examples: Sir Ken Robinson – Do Schools Kill Creativity? Amy Cuddy – Your body language shapes who you are Jason Fried – Why work doesn’t happen at work Julian Treasure – How to speak so that people want to listen
Clicker Question – BEFORE: Do you agree that schools kill creativity? A. Agree B. Disagree C. Not sure
Clicker Question – AFTER: Do you agree that schools kill creativity? A. Agree B. Disagree C. Still not sure
What was effective about this presentation?
Presentation Skills
At interviews, as the interviewer or interviewee At meetings, face to face or in a conference call At networking functions, meeting new people or getting to know ones you already know. Presentation Skills in the Workplace Delivering a sales pitch Speaking with suppliers Speaking to colleagues and staff Speaking with clients Presenting at trainings Presenting at conferences
Preparing your presentation
1. How much time do I have?
2. What’s the venue like?
3. What time of the day? Will the audience be hungry? Tired?
4. Who is my audience? What do they expect from me
5. Why was I asked to speak/present?
++ 6. What visual medium is most appropriate for this particular situation and this audience?
7. What is the story?
Nancy Duarte’s story format:
8. What is my main point? What is the fundamental purpose of my presentation?
9. Are you an expert?
Master the Basic Presentation Outline Introduction – Attention Getter – Audience Motivation – Preview Body – Main Point #1 Supporting material – Transition – Main Points #2 Supporting material – Transition – Etc… Conclusion – Summary – Memorable Statement Just like an essay!
Tips for delivering your message Language: Different frames of reference Room for interpretation Cultural differences Stereotypes
Tips for delivering your message Turn statements into questions: This statement: “We chose gender stereotyping because it occurred in the highest number of situations.” becomes… “So, why do you think we chose gender stereotyping? (PAUSE FOR EFFECT) We chose it because it occurred in the highest number of situations.”
Tips for delivering your message Include personal experiences or stories Helps audience relate Engages audience Use humour effectively Should never be offensive You are not doing a stand up comedy act.
Things to consider: Delivery Non-verbal: eye contact, facial expression, gestures/movement/posture Vocal: volume, articulation, rate/timing, tonal variety/vocal expression Overall: professionalism, enthusiasm/passion, confidence, extemporaneous quality
Dealing With Anxiety For most people, the first reaction to speaking in public is fear This fear is the normal anxiety we feel when we are in a situation where performance is important. Accept that it is normal to feel anxious Be prepared – Have well organized notes and take the time to rehearse.
Clicker Question: What was most challenging about that exercise? A. Limited time to prepare B. I didn’t like the topic C. Awkward physical space D. Other
Clicker Question: Who was your favourite presenter? A. Sir Ken Robinson – Do Schools Kill Creativity? B. Amy Cuddy – Your body language shapes who you are C. Jason Fried – Why work doesn’t happen at work D. Julian Treasure – How to speak so that people want to listen
For next week…
Read Nancy Duarte’s Structure Your Presentation Like A Story Begin thinking of ideas/designing your mini TED Talk If you want to choose your teams for the Social Media Analysis assignment, please submit in Dropbox by Friday, Feb. 11:59pm
Practice makes perfect! In your row groups, present minute impromptu speeches Take 10 minutes to prepare your basic presentation outline Your topic: “If I had a million dollars…” Take turns presenting and providing feedback to each speaker
Master the Basic Presentation Outline Introduction – Attention Getter – Audience Motivation – Preview Body – Main Point #1 Supporting material – Transition – Main Points #2 Supporting material – Transition – Etc… Conclusion – Summary – Memorable Statement Just like an essay!