CCCSFAAA Summer Training CSAC and State Budget Update Mt. San Jacinto College – Menifee CampusJuly 13 Fullerton CollegeJuly 14 LA Mission CollegeJuly 15 Modesto Junior CollegeJuly 29 Sierra CollegeJuly 30 AGENDA CSAC Updates New State Budget Funding Cal Grant B Augmentations CSAC Updates CSAC Updates Diana Fuentes-Michel steps down as Executive Director on July 31 Institutional Participation Agreement (IPA) Must be renewed by July 1, CSAC has been leading a workgroup to find out any concerns 2.Workgroup included UC, CSU, CC and private colleges CSAC IPA Proposals Significant proposals for CSAC IPA Add financial literacy training for students as a school responsibility. This would include: Cal Grant disbursement options Number of units they are required to be Cal Grant eligible Information for students on managing their funds, and understanding financial aid terms Batch process upload As primary reporting method For payments, adjustments, and status updates CSAC IPA Proposals Schools will send enrollment files to the Commission Three (3) days after the Institution’s census date but no later than October 15 th Allows CSAC to verify CG eligibility and offer reporting or other enhancements to help schools improve their payment operations Current units will be required New statement to require schools to notify CSAC of any changes to CG administrative staff within 15 days of change Cal Grant Manual Cal Grant Manual Update CSAC Cal Grant Manual workgroup UC, CSU, CC and private colleges 1.Bring manual up to date 2.Offered suggestions to enhance the manual 3.Reduce redundancy 4.Intent to post online and only provided updates on an annual basis GDS Integration and Modernization proposals Increase Cal Grant Program eligibility from 4 years to 5 years Extend the age limit on the Cal Grant Transfer Entitlement Program Eliminate March 2 deadline for Cal Grant Transfer Entitlement Program Allow an enrollment gap in the Cal Grant Transfer Entitlement Program Increase award amounts for Cal B Access and Cal Grant C awards Bachelor degree programs at the Community College GDS Integration and Modernization Proposals Promote financial literacy programs to help parents and students manage financial aid Enhancements to the Grant Delivery System to engage high school students and counselors Enhancements to WebGrants for institutions to disburse funds more efficiently Seek funding for the Student Expense and Resource Survey (SEARS) – Triennial survey to adjust 9-month student expense budget for inflation Seek funding to study the use of the EFC instead of the income and asset ceilings GDS Integration and Modernization Proposals Seek funding to study the use of two prior years personal income tax data on FAFSA Changing the current awarding structure to model the Pell Grant Establish a new advisory committee/process Assess an Integrated Delivery System for Cal Grants New State Budget Funding Cal Grant B Augmentations Cal Grant B Augmentations 1.Increase due to College Access Tax Credit 2.Increase in number of awards 3.$39 million to augment the Cal Grant B Access award Cal Grant B Access Increase College Access Tax Credit fund Tax shelter that augments Cal Grant B access CSAC received $1,918,000 This increases Cal Grant Access award by $8 Cal Grant B Access award for = $1656 CGB Increased Number of Awards The number of new Competitive Cal Grant B awards has been increased by 3,250 awards to 25,750 per year 14 percent increase Will be evenly distributed between March 2 and September 2 deadlines $39 million to Supplement Cal Grant B awards Eligibility Criteria: Student is paid Cal Grant B at a full-time status Supplement for Cal Grant B awardees Augmentation starts with Fall 2015 If all CGB participants at CCs were FT = $450 Currently a little over half are FT so the estimated award will be about $600 However… $39 Million to Supplement Cal Grant B Awards When students figure out that they get more $$$$ if they are FT, what will be the result? Some indication that this will be ongoing funding CCCCO will distribute $3,000,000 to campuses for administration $41,677 per district ( done with the Advance in July, 2015 ) Strongly recommend the use of these monies to update your system (ready for disbursement, reporting, reconciliation, etc) Desired Outcomes Incentivize full-time enrollment “Early” payment Persistence term to term, year to year Program completion Include summer term Cal Grant B Access Augmentations: Process Primary Advocate: TICAS ( The Institute for College Access & Success ) Work Group of Financial Aid Directors Discussions with DOF and legislative leadership Funding provided from prop 98 and distributed to districts/colleges through the Chancellor’s Office Fall funding: Additional Advance out in September 2015 Spring funding: Through P1 out in January 2016 Supplemental Cal Grant B Access Cannot pay the Supplemental grant before you pay the full time Cal B If you report the full time Cal B as paid to CSAC, OK to pay the Supplemental grant No need to revise the Supplemental grant if student drops classes after it has been paid You will receive an excel template from the Chancellor’s Office to do reconciliation and report data back Federal Reminders Gainful employments deadline July 2015 DCL Gen ~ Loan Counseling Requirements DCL Gen ~ ATB provision reinstated for eligible Career Pathways Programs DCL GEN ~ State Authorization & complaint process Training Opportunities SSARCC, Osher, & R2T4 Annual Report Training ~ Aug/Sept 2015 Online MIS Data Submission Training ~ Aug/Sept 2015 Online New FA Director Training ~ Oct/Nov 2015 in Sacramento Veterans Summit ~ Oct/Nov 2015 in Sacramento FYSI Statewide Convening ~ Oct 2015 in Sacramento CASFAA on Nov 1 to Nov 3, 2015 in Sacramento CCCSFAAA on April 4, 2016 in San Diego Miscellaneous AB Cal Fresh Snap benefits for at least ½ time students in employment training programs SB CCC Students in Baccalaureate Degree Programs (BDP) implementation at 15 Pilot colleges Cooperating Agencies Foster Youth Educational Support (CAFYES) implementation of SB 1023 (up to 10 Districts) Disbursement Services model contracts SB 845 Ruby Nieto Questions?