7 EC Conference Helmut WENZEL International Collaboration on Natural Hazards in the 7th FP Prague, 02. June 2006 Safeguarded Cultural Heritage
Monitoring of a Church during tunnelling TRACK 1 TRACK 2 EXCAVATION 240m EXCAVATION 190m
Erzherzog Karl Statue integrity check
Laser Monitoring Westminster, London
Leaning Tower, Pisa, Italy
Nerves Pain Data Virtual Pain Virtual Doctor for Structures
Current Situation Last Century (1900 – 2000) Earthquake Loss: Lives in Europe Damage to Infrastructure 325 billion € Indirect Damage ? There are huge global initiatives on Earthquake Engineering Simulations Can EUROPE afford to stay away ?
Annual investment EQ Research by Federal Institutions JAPAN (50) E-Defense USA (40) NEES LESSLOSS (3) EU (7) 5FP TAIWAN (10) NCREE KOREA (12) KOCED CHINA (15) NSFC Northridge (136) Kobe (5.400) Turkey (18.900) Chi Chi (1.100) Human Loss: in Europe
Austrian Seismic Code 1978
Austrian Seismic Code 2002
8 million visitors per year Castle of Schönbrunn, Vienna
Schönbrunn Castle Vienna, Fault Locations
Advances Needed Kocaeli Quake, 1999, Turkey
Local amplification map due to soil condition Micro Zonation
ECOEST European Network of Shaking Tables EERC Bristol NTU Athens ISMES Bergamo LNEC Lisbon CEA Saclay Shaking Tables JRC Ispra Reaction Wall ECOLEADER FP5 - Users European Laboratories of Structural Mechanics Internationals Collaborations Japan, USA Taiwan,Armenia End Users Access to ELSA as Large Research Infrastructure ECOLEADER
ECOLEADER (Tests at JRC) Application to: Steel Structure RC structure Devices: Viscous, Hysteretic, Friction Original ‘Protected’ Storey Force [kN] Storey Disp. [mm] Time [s]
International Collaboration Earthquake Engineering & Disaster Prevention USA Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES-ORG), Davis San Diego Super Computer Centre (NEES-IT), California JAPAN Building Research Institute (BRI), Ministry of Construction, Tsukuba National Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED), Tsukuba TAIWAN National Centre for Research in Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) ARMENIA Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ANRA) International Organizations & Nuclear Safety International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA), Paris, France
Main Subject of Collaboration Earthquake Engineering & Disaster Prevention Exchange of scientific and technical information Common organization of Workshops and Conferences Exchange of short visits of researchers Harmonization of Data Models for Experimental Databases Development of Technologies for Distributed Laboratory Harmonization of codes and standards International Organizations & Nuclear Safety Co-management of Coordinated Research Projects Technical management of International Benchmarks Redaction and delivery of documents on specific topics Consulting for Seismic Behaviour of Structures
MREFC Construction ($82 M): 15 Equipment Sites Cyberinfrastructure NEES Consortium, Inc. Maintenance & Operations by NEESinc NSF-Funded NEES Research (NEESR) Education, Outreach, & Training Partnerships Today Federal Fiscal Year (starts Oct 1 of preceding year) NEES Timeline
NEES Shared Use Infrastructure Operated by NEES Consortium, Inc.
1200 tons at 10 m/s E-Defense
E-Defense, Japan
EU Knowledge Base, Onthology
Worldclim Worldclim is a set of global climate layers (grids) on a square kilometer grid. The last version released (March 2004) is Version 1.2. The data layers were generated through interpolation of average monthly climate data from weather stations on a 30 arc-second resolution grid (often referred to as "1 km²" resolution). Variables included are monthly total precipitation, and monthly mean, minimum and maximum temperature, and 19 derived bioclimatic variables.
EU Knowledge Base, Onthology Historical Earthquake Catalogues Knowledge of the geological history of the region and the tectonic conditions, earthquake catalogues are a prerequisite for a statistical analysis. Such catalogues of seismic events should be as complete as possible and cover a wide area and a long period of time. Written records of the effects of earthquakes are collected and evaluated, and earthquake parameters, such as location of the epicenter and epicentral intensity, are determined. The results of these studies are compiled in computerized earthquake catalogues.
Opportunities to be taken ! Brooklyn Bridge
Do we have a European Answer ? Condition of the Bridge, Security ?
Ramses II 3 rd Important Monument In Cairo (Pyramids, Sphinx,..Ramses II..) 3300 Years Old m High, 120 Ton weight One Piece of Red Granite To be Transported for 30 Kms Opportunity Ramses II in Egypt
EU Know How, Onthology
Conclusions We need International Collaboration The international Partners are well equipped with projects and funds 6FP has left our research alone If the situation does not change soon we will fall back dramatically and cannot take the responsibility for the citizens Can EUROPE really afford this ? Thank you for the attention !