Ponds 6, 7 & 8 Permitting Update Napa Sonoma Marsh Restoration Group Meeting USGS San Pablo Field Station Office Mare Island November 17, 2010 April 17, 2008
Quick Tour
NSM Ponds 6,7,8 BCDC Permit BCDC Material Amendment #2 to existing permit Scoping Meeting with BCDC Permit Staff –Entire site falls under salt pond jurisdiction DRB Meeting –Support concept & understand wildlife needs –Place a rustic bench (stone or log) at Pond 7 trail end –Maintain “rustic character” of site in signage and infrastructure Shoreline Band
BCDC Application Status Corps is applicant, DFG is owner –Draft application complete –Monitoring: pre-, during, post construction Water Quality Biological: Western Snowy Plover, Least Tern –Invasive species, Habitat use: birds, SMHM, BMI Physical: bathymetry, sediment Funding dependent level of effort
Next-up: Commission Meeting No issues anticipated Schedule goal: 1 st quarter of 2011 Associated permits required –NMFS BO for green sturgeon: avoidance –USFWS BO: snowy plover nesting –401 & NPDES permits
Water Quality Permits NPDES Permit – diluted bittern discharge 401 Water Quality Certification
NPDES Permit Individual permit –Discharge diluted Pond 7 bittern Major concern - ability to meet WQOs –Cu & Ni WQOs rarely met in dilution water source (Napa and Mud Sloughs) South Pond project = permit template
Mixing Chamber/ Donut
Pond 7 Sampling
NPDES Permit Application submitted to RWQCB –Oct. 15, 2010 Expected milestones –Early Dec. – site visit –(Jan. – meeting with RWQCB?) –Feb. – draft permit to team for review –Late Mar. – public review –Jun. – Board approval
401 Water Quality Certification Application nearly complete Expect late November submittal to RWQCB
Thank you
County Road at South End of Pond 8