Judicial Branch Article 3 The job of the Judicial Branch is to interpret the laws Judicial Power is given to the Supreme Court and lower courts set up by Congress Federal Courts that are under the Supreme Courts are set up by Congress Federal judges hold their jobs for life or until retirement Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President
Judicial Branch Article 3 There are 9 judges on the Supreme Court Current Justices: 1. John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice 2. Antonin Scalia 3. Anthony M. Kennedy 4. Clarence Thomas 5. Ruth Bader Ginsburg 6. Stephen G. Breyer 7. Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr. 8. Sonia Sotomayor 9. Elena Kagan
Judicial Branch Article 3 Three areas that Federal Courts hear cases about- Any issue involving the Constitution Federal Laws Federal Agreements Other types of cases- Between citizens in different states Disputes about claims to grants of land Disputes between a state and a foreign country Disputes between an American and a foreigner Cases about ships and shipbuilding Treaty disputes Not between a person and another state
Judicial Branch Article 3 Original Jurisdiction- where a case begins (1st time heard) Cases that the Supreme courts hears first- foreign diplomats, state cases Appellate Jurisdiction- Cases that come to a court by appeal from a lower court Some types of trials (except impeachment) are heard by a trial jury. They are heard in the state where the crime took place.
Judicial Branch Article 3 Treason- carrying on war or helping enemies of the U.S. The crime of betraying one’s country Proving treason- by the testimony of two witnesses to the same treasonous act or by confession in open court Judicial Review- the power to declare a law unconstitutional, to decide if laws follow the Constitution Federal Courts below the Supreme Court 89 District Courts in the 50 states 13 Circuit Courts of Appeal 1 Supreme Court
Judicial Branch Article 4 “Full Faith and Credit”- each state must honor the court decisions, laws and licenses by other states (drivers license) Rights of citizens of each state- each state must give citizens from other states the same rights as their own citizens “Extradition”- an accused person must be returned to the state where the crime took place
Judicial Branch Article 4 Three rules for new states Congress admits new states No state can be formed from dividing old states No state can be formed by joining two states together Two rules about territories Congress makes rules and regulations for territories Only Congress can sell federal land
Judicial Branch Article 5 AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION Amendments to the Constitution Proposed (2 ways) 2/3 of Congress agrees or 2/3 of State Legislators Voted (2 ways) ¾ of State Legislators ¾ of states pass it at special conventions Either way, the states must approve!!!
Judicial Branch Article 5 The President does not sign amendments passed by Congress ¾ of the states need to approve an amendment for it to become part of the Constitution The Constitution has been amended 27 times
Judicial Branch Article 6 NATIONAL SUPREMACY Supreme laws of the land The Constitution The laws of the U.S. U.S. treaties 2. A state cannot go against what is written in the Constitution- the Constitution is Supreme. State laws must agree with the Constitution