The 7 Influences of Climate
Climate-vegetation Vegetation-climate. Soil does matter. Plants –slow winds, absorb water, absorb heat Slow down surface winds, stop soil erosion Capture precipitation making it more humid Thick vegetation will cool the air during the day and warm air at night Dense forest – more humid, temperatures more moderate Vegetation
Prevailing Winds Direction In U.S. winds blow west to east California gets winds from the ocean- more consistent New York inland – less consistent
Continuous movement of ocean water –Conveyor belt of temperatures Gulf Stream –West Africa-Florida-Northern Europe. Ocean Currents
Rain Shadow Rain shadow causes rain barrier creating “Rain Shadow” Mountain Ranges
Equator= 0 degrees Poles= 90 degrees N Tropic of Cancer, 23.5 S Capricorn between very little temperature change all year round Temperate warm-hot summers; cool-cold winters Polar Latitude
Air rises and expands and becomes cooler as it goes higher in the atmosphere. About 4 degrees cooler for each 1000 ft. of elevation Mt. Kilimanjaro has snow all year but at 3.07 latitude Elevation
Water moderates temperature Maritime climates effected by large bodies of water- more moderate temperatures Continental climates not close to large bodies of water-temperature more extreme Maritime more humid Large Bodies of Water
Vegetation Prevailing Winds Ocean Currents Mountain Ranges Latitude Elevation Large Bodies of Water Climate Patterns