By: Harrison McCandless Chaparral By: Harrison McCandless
Global Distribution The Chaparral biome is found in four places in the world Mediterranean Basin (where it is known as maqius) central Chile (where it is called matorral) South African Cape Region (known there as fynbos) Western and Southern Australia The Chaparral biome is characterized by shrubland or heathland plant community, which is often ravaged by wildfires.
Climate Mild, wet winters (10 °C) Hot, dry summers (40 °C) Forest fires and drought very common in summer About 38 – 100 cm of precipitation a year
Regional Variations Maquis (French) or macchia (Italian) is a shrubland biome in the Mediterranean region Densely growing evergreen shrubs such as sage, juniper and myrtle. Chaparral is found in the US state of California and Mexico A typical chaparral plant community consists of densely-growing evergreen scrub oaks and other drought-resistant shrubs. Matorral is a shrubland plant community, composed of sclerophyll ("hard-leaved") shrubs and small trees, cactus, and bromeliads. Located in central Chile Fynbos, literally “fine bush” is located in the Western Cape of Southern Africa Smallest and richest of worlds six floral kingdoms The majority of the plants are evergreen sclerophyll (hard-leaf) plants.
Resources Found In Biome Solar power Wind power Mining
Changes in Biome Forest Fire very common, but plants re-grow quickly. Regions become more mountainous over millions of years Found near coasts with cold ocean currents Forms north and south sides of the two sub- tropical high pressure belts around the world at 30 to 35 degrees latitude
Unique Adaptations Plants seeds don’t germinate until after a forest fire, smoke, heat etc.. Animals stay small in order to hide in underbrush Predators develop keen sense of smell in order to find prey