Monday Warm-Up Use the glossary in your literature book to define the following words: –Interplanetary –Wonderment –Awe
Monday, October 7 Warm-Up/Housekeeping/Roll Call Mini-Lesson: “Making Inferences” Review reciprocal teaching roles and read page 339 in literature text. Learning teams read and discuss Zoo on pages using the reciprocal teaching roles. Complete workbook page105
Tuesday Warm-Up Use the glossary in your literature book to define the following words: –garments –expense –babbled
Tuesday, October 8 Warm-up/Roll call/Housekeeping Review “Making Inferences” and answer the inference questions from “Zoo” on page 343. Complete Lesson 11 in the SOL Coach book (Making inferences from non-fiction text) Students write answers on small white boards.
Wednesday Warm-up Use the context clues and knowledge of the Latin suffix “ment” (the act of, the state of) to answer the following questions: –What type of performance might you watch in amazement? –What are you expected to do with an assignment?
Wednesday October 9 Warm-Up/Housekeeping/Roll Call Mini Lesson: “Theme” Learning Teams complete workbook page 106. Read Chapter 3 of My Life in Dog Years by Gary Paulsen. Make text-to-text, text- to self-, and text-to-world connections on your large white paper.
Thursday Warm-Up List the three main purposes for which an author might write. –Hint: to_____________, to_____________, or to __________________
Thursday, October 10 Warm-up/Housekeeping/Roll Call Read Chapter 3 of My Life in Dog Years by Gary Paulsen. Complete “Sketch to Stretch” activity. Visit library to check out, return, and renew books
Friday Warm-Up Read the paragraphs on “Making Inferences” and “Theme” on page 337 silently. Be ready to discuss with class.
Friday, October 11 Warm-Up/Housekeeping/Roll Call Assessment: making inferences, predictions, and author’s purpose Friday Folk Tale: Taily-Po