Mainstreaming Women’s Claim to Land Rights Dr V Rukmini Rao.


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Presentation transcript:

Mainstreaming Women’s Claim to Land Rights Dr V Rukmini Rao

Claiming Forest Rights The Forest Rights Act (FRA), 2006 is a historic recognition of the rights of Adivasi People Example from Andhra Pradesh to mainstream women. Programme undertaken by Natwan Sangam, Koya Women’s Organization supported by local organization ASDS and Gramya

Objectives Create awareness among the Koya community and create space for women to claim rights Training and orientation about the law to FRA committee members Recording individual claims and collective claims Recognition that collective claims cater to gendered needs of collecting fuel-wood and fodder

Process for Implementation of the Law

Process for Implementation to Claim Community Rights Nistar rights-sharing of natural forest resources Rights on minor forest produce Entitlement of fishing, water bodies, grazing and traditional resources access for nomadic people Tenure for habitat and habitation Access to bio-diversity, intellectual property and traditional knowledge Other community traditional rights not covered above

To Claim Individual Rights Formation of Forest Rights Committees Claimants will file the claims in prescribed formats. Format as given by Ministry of Tribal Affairs can be used. Forest Rights committee (of Gram Sabha) shall collect, scrutinize and assist Gram Sabha (GS) GS will take view and pass the resolution (for and against accepting claim) and forward to Sub Division Level Committee (SDLC)

To Claim Individual Rights Contd… Compilation by SDLC (SDO = Chairperson ) SDLC will prepare the draft record of forest rights in a meeting and forward to District level Committee (DLC) through SDO District Committee will take the final decision (approve or reject)… Aggrieved Claimant from GS/SDLC decisions could go to SDLC/ DLC…Otherwise No direct petitions Once Record of forest rights are approved by DLC, the decisions will be sent to Revenue Department for updation of revenue records

Campaign Campaign carried out under the leadership of women 50% Men and women involved in all committees Wall writings Articulation of problems by men and women Regular meeting with forest officials and district officials and ITDA Files claimed for 3440 acres 15% women filed individual claims All lands in the name of men and women if man is head of household

Experience from Gujarat Working Group for Women and Land Ownership (WGWLO) Objectives Facilitating implementation of existing laws in Gujarat To influence government and non government policies including media to mainstream women’s claims to land ownership To undertake advocacy for legal reforms related to land rights for women

Activities Action Research – Status of Women and Agriculture Land Ownership in Gujarat Paralegal Action Research Initiative Capacity Building Training programmes on revenue procedures Collective sharing and learning through meetings Swa Bhoomi Sammelan campaign with men and women

Activities Development of Educational Resources, leaflets, songs, audio spots, booklets, video documentation etc Documentation of inspirational case studies Networking and Lobbying Campaigns for discussing issues of inheritance Collaborating with academics and researchers

Outreach and Achievements Media advocacy 800 women inherited family land 200 women own public land in collectives 12,000 women applied for ownership of waste lands in rural Gujarat Training of revenue officials to increase their sensitivity to women owning land – 435 officials trained Special Education on Women and Land Rights for Sarpanch Training through Satellite communication

Mainstreaming by the Government of Andhra Pradesh The state has seen land rights struggles carried out by the communist parties of India and Maoists Dalit Rights NGOs have mainstreamed ownership for women dalit farmers through their struggles NGO movement has demonstrated innovative approaches to promote food sovereignity, management of common properties and sustainable agriculture

Mainstreaming by the Government of Andhra Pradesh This has influenced government policy The government has bought land for dalit community with a focus on women through the SC corporation Indira Kranthi Patham supported by World Bank invested crores and bought women members of SHGs acres IKP has restored rights of poor over 1.79 lakh acres by resolving conflicts using Para Legal Workers