Finding Library Materials Mrs. Katie Monroe Harmony-Emge School District 175 Using Follett Destiny
Choose your library
Destiny OPAC has many ways for you to find books!
Search your school or the district
Conduct your search Keyword Title Author Subject Series
Destiny To search for something, type in the search term here The search term is what you want to find Remember, correct spelling makes it easier!
Destiny If it is an author, type in their LAST NAME. For Gary Paulsen type ‘paulsen’ And click AUTHOR Don’t worry about CAPITALS.
Destiny Here is the list of books by Gary Paulsen. The number of books available Call number Quiz Information
Destiny If we had misspelled his name, we still could find it if we looked on the list. Click on the “Browse Authors” tab.
Destiny Here he is listed. Click on it to bring up his books.
Destiny Once you find a book, if you want to see more information, click on it. Summary Subjects- these are clickable Availability per library
Destiny More book information! Publication, Reading Program, etc.
Start a New Search To start a new or revise, follow the breadcrumb trail
Browsing Subjects Reminder: When you are searching for a topic and you don’t see what you are looking for always remember the “Browse” tab. This will give you a list or help narrow the possible subjects you may be looking for.
Destiny Quest Another means to search is the Destiny Quest option
Destiny Quest To Begin, Click on Begin Destiny Quest
Destiny Quest Enter your search terms at the top and click GO You might find that the program makes suggestions for you
Narrow your search Quickly see if the book you want is available Narrow your search by number of pages, reading program, etc.
More on Narrowing Search You can select to narrow your search by reading level or number of points. Once you “Apply”, you will see which items fit your new search criteria
Destiny Quest By laying your mouse over the book, you can gain more information.
Exit Destiny Quest To Exit Destiny Quest, click here
Destiny Learning to use the OPAC is ◦ Fun ◦ Easy ◦ Makes more books easily available to you ◦ Allows you to be a more independent user of the library! Remember to ask for help if you need it Username__________________ Password___________________