facebook Sarny (dynamic, round, protagonist) Logout Poke message Wall PhotosVideos Status… Share Information I wish there were more people that I could be teaching letters to. Another day working at the big house. Looking forward to learning more with Nightjohn. But Delie doesn’t even want me learnin’ letters. How are we going to manage to get more people to want to learn? Delie doesn’t understand how important this is. How can we convince her? Don’t even try. It’s too dangerous to be learning letters. I won’t have any of my children getting’ beat for tryin’ to read. Let it be Delie, I’ll take the beatin’ for it. We gotta get our people readin’. No other way we’ll survive in the world. Send a message Even though I’ve spent my whole life as a slave, I plan on being free some day. Since I’ve been learned letters, I know the more I am able to read the more I will learn and then there will be no stopping me. photo Home Profile Find friends Account Info
facebook Logout Wall PhotosVideos ‘Course he was worth it. He’s one of the biggest strongest men you’ve got. Yes, but he sure is stubborn. Could mean problems in the future. I can handle that man. Don’t you worry none about him. There’s nobody who can control me. Don’t be thinkin’ I won’t be free again someday. See, that’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout Delie. Can’t nobody reign him in. John, don’t give ‘em reason to hurt you. What would I do without our evenings by the fire? Home Profile Find friends Account Info Nightjohn (round, dynamic,antagonist) Got John for a decent price, but now I’m wondering if it was worth it? Delie (static) Alice (static) Waller (static) Friends Author Gary Paulsen
facebook Logout Wall PhotosVideos Had more teachin’ to do. But you’ll pro’lly never get away again. I know how now. But Pawley never made it. The dogs chewed him clear to shreds. You gotta know the tricks. Don’t run for a girl. Run for to be free! I don’t think I’ll ever run. Home Profile Find friends Account Info Still tryin’ to figure out why you didn’t stay North, John!
facebook Logout Wall PhotosVideos Didn’t you learn your lesson? I know, I feel really bad about that! I told you it was the white man’s law that we don’t read! I know, but who woulda’ thought they’d chop off his toes for it. Doesn’t make sense. Doesn’t have to make sense. Makes perfect sense. You break the law, you pay! Home Profile Find friends Account Info BAG! BAG! BAG!
facebook Logout Wall PhotosVideos Sure did. Soon as Waller noticed, he sent the dogs after you! Did a lot of running on fence posts and through streams to throw them off my scent! I’m so glad you got out of here. Waller keeps getting crazier and crazier! Watch what you write Alice. You know he’s got his people everywhere! Can’t do much more damage to me than he’s already done. Home Profile Find friends Account Info John, you ok? Did you make it?
facebook Character Info Logout Wall InfoPhotos Basic Information Waller Plantation – the deep south Home Profile Find friends Account Hometown Marital Status Seriously? I’m just a 12 year old girl! Education Hobbies I’m getting really good at my letters, and we’ll be working on numbers soon! Playing with the little ones, killing aphids of the rosebushes, chewing tobacco
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