Sarny A Life Remembered Gary Paulsen Power Point Lesson
Many slaves were running to freedom by following the “drinking gourd”.
Follow the Drinking Gourd When the sun comes back, and the first Quail calls, Follow the drinking gourd, For the old man is waiting for to carry you to freedom If you follow the drinking gourd. Chorus: Follow the drinking gourd, Follow the drinking gourd, For the old man is waiting for to carry you to freedom If you follow the drinking gourd. The riverbank will make a very good road, The dead trees show you the way. Left foot, peg foot traveling on, Following the drinking gourd. The river ends between two hills, Follow the drinking gourd, There's another river on the other side, Follow the drinking gourd. When the great big river meets the little river, Follow the drinking gourd. For the old man is waiting for to carry you to freedom If you follow the drinking gourd.
Song Lyric Decoder- What it meant to the slaves. "Follow the drinking gourd" - Head for the Big Dipper "When the sun comes back" - Leave in the spring "The old man" - A guide known as Peg Leg Joe "Dead trees show you the way/left foot, peg foot" - Look for dead trees marked with drawings of a left foot and peg foot "The river ends between two hills" - The hills between the Tombigee and the Tennessee Rivers "The great big river meets the little river" - Where the Tennessee and the Ohio Rivers join
Many slaves lived in quarters like the ones in these pictures.
A Slave market, like the one where Sarny’s children were sold.
A bayonet, like the one used to kill Waller A bayonet, like the one used to kill Waller. Also, a photo of a Union soldier carrying a rifle with a bayonet attached.
"Shift” Informational Site Click on the link below to see what the “shifts” Sarny and Lucy wore looked like, and how to make one! "Shift” Informational Site
Skirmishes like the one Sarny and Lucy witnessed.
Click here to view more Civil War photos.
Click here to learn about the Civil War medicine Sarny and Lucy witnessed.
A mansion much like the one where they found Tyler Two. Click here to see more Civil war era homes in New Orleans.
This is what Miss Laura’s carriage may have looked like.
A home very similar to Miss Laura’s.
This is what the market Sarny visited would have looked like. Click here for other pictures of Sarny's New Orleans
Civil War New Orleans paddle boats.
Modern day paddle boats.
President Lincoln at Antietam, the site of the South’s surrender.
Click here to learn more about Emancipation
The parties prepared by Bartlett, Lucy, and Sarny at Miss Laura’s looked something like this.
A one room school house in New Orleans like the on Miss Laura purchased for Sarny.
A member of the organization that burned down the school house and killed Stanley.
A modern day photo and painting of a traditional New Orleans funeral A modern day photo and painting of a traditional New Orleans funeral. Miss Laura requested a funeral like these.
A school house in Texas. Much like the one Sarny left New Orleans to teach in.
Extension Links Emancipation Proclamation The Surrender at Antietam Why were spiritual songs so important? Click here to find out more about Gary Paulsen. Click here for some traditional New Orleans recipes Sarny may have prepared.