Wednesday, September 2, 2015 DGP #2: four cats ran quickly through the yard Independent or dependent clause Simple, compound, or complex sentence Declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory
VOCABULARY - INB, page 7 Yellow Literature Book, page 111 “Vocabulary in Context” (at bottom of page) Number 1 to 6 in your notebook Write the word or phrase Write the vocabulary word from the box that is closest in meaning Complete page 119, #1-4 (if necessary): Do this on page 6 in your INB
WOODSONG Examine the painting on page 113. How does what you see apply to the story? Reread lines What description does Paulsen give of life at the edge of the wilderness? Reread lines What words show that Paulsen has a personal connection to the setting? Reread lines Why do you think Paulsen wants you to know these facts about bears? Reread lines How is Paulsen’s knowledge of the wilderness useful to him? Reread lines What does Paulsen now think about his place in nature?
WOODSONG Selection Test Close the textbook and place it in the basket underneath your desk You need one sheet of notebook paper You may use your notes Use a #2 pencil on the ScanTron #11 & #12 must be on your own paper #11 & #12 must be in complete sentences Turn both the ScanTron and your notebook paper with #11 & #12 in to the drawer on the left-side cabinet Set the test paper on the cabinet in a neat stack Read “A Life in the Day of Gary Paulsen,” page 118 in the Yellow Literature book