Welcome To Educator Orientation Night
Application Process Fill out Educator application (can get at office or online) Avert background check since Public Funds are used Entitled to advertise in catalog (twice a year) and use our classrooms Information given out to Resource Consultants in Educator Catalog
Contracted with the families – Not Vision Employee Agreements are required - Need to include: What class will cover (class syllabus) Payment – when due, is it refundable Missed classes by Educator or Learner – how handled Materials – who supplies How graded – pass / fail or grade Are credits offered - if so how many credits and what are the requirements. (credits and grade must be given by Educator) Communication on Learner progress (should be done quarterly) Grades and credits earned need to be awarded no later than a week after class ends – document will be attached to transcript
Payment No longer directly from district – Unless you operate with business name and EIN number. Provide invoice to family Some will pay up front Most will have to pay when they get reimbursement After receive payment from family, need to show invoice paid Recommend meet with families end of Aug for 1 st semester classes to get agreements signed and give invoices
Educator Invoice Learner Name:__________________________________ Date:___________________ Educator Name:_________________________________ Educator Address:_____________________________________________________ Class:____________________________________ Class Dates:____________________ Amount:_____________________________ Educator Signature:_____________________ Date Paid: ________________________________ Method of Payment: o Check o Cash Educator Signature: _______________________ Sample Invoice
Non-Secular Funding Can not fund or give credit for non-secular curriculum Contract Labor Agreement - Secular Statement Please sign agreement and statement if haven’t already Highly Qualified: Definition: Have a Bachelor’s degree plus 24 hour college credits in area you are teaching. The district is only asking for this criteria in the core subjects. If you are not highly qualified in the area you are teaching you can: * take the Colorado Place Test for that subject or *check in quarterly with an Educator who is highly qualified in your subject area.
Insurance Not covered by district If classes taught in our building Learners are covered Recommend an umbrella policy through homeowners insurance ($1, 000,000) Educator Catalog Current catalog is out Will put one out in January for second semester Please get classrooms reserved at the office if you have enough Learners for a class No Wednesdays reserved
Classes taught at office Sign-in Sign-out policy Responsible for Learners during your class until picked up Behavior in building Lunch Playground No Pets in Classroom Delta Vision Learners have priority Syllabus and Agreements: Need turned into me for Educator Notebook
Evaluations: We asked each family to evaluate each Network Educator they were using. Have mailed results Wednesday Classes – Tammy Nelson Vision advertises and pays directly Pays $25 per hour Helps Learners get outside hours Helps Educators get acquainted with our Learners Can start signing up tonight if have been cleared by District
Back to School Picnic August 11 th from 4pm – 7pm First Baptist Church – Pioneer Rd Place to advertise classes offered Educator Page in Newsletter: Will be spotlighting an Educator each month. If interested, sign up sheet is available.