Took throne in 1837 at age of 18 Queen for 64 years Called Empress of India Married Prince Albert from Germany Her first cousin Married in 1840 Raised 9 children
Forced to accept a new, virtually powerless monarchy Privately attempted to influence government policy and ministerial appointments British empire reached height of wealth and power under Queen Victoria Identified with strict moral standards
Increased social mobility Deeply religious used the Bible as foundation of moral behavior Bible taken as literal truth
Strict code of etiquette Duty Thrift Honesty Hard work Respectability
Proper Gentleman Never speaks to a lady unless she speaks first Lets a lady walk along the wall Precedes a lady walking upstairs and follows one going down Never smokes in a lady’s presence Proper Lady Never walks alone or unchaperoned if unmarried and under 30 Doesn’t go alone to make a social call on a man Never dances more than 3 dances with the same partner Never wears pearls or diamonds in the morning
Cult of domesticity- idealization of women and the home Spent time raising children, directing servants, doing religious or charitable service
Seen as tender, self- sacrificing caregiver Provided nest for children and peaceful refuge for husband Lower class women were expected to do the same
Upper class didn’t work Inherited land and investments Upper middle class Business people and professionals- doctors, scientists Lower middle class Teachers and office workers Working class Factory and mine workers, tenant farmers
Enjoyed wide range of material goods Lower middle class struggled to keep up with their “betters” Men performed “white- collar” work Growing middle class Pushed their way up the ladder Paid monthly or annually
Men and women performed physical labor Women worked in garment factories or as domestic servants Paid daily or weekly wages
Time of industrial, cultural, political, scientific, and military change Time of great expansion in British empire Became notorious for child labor Queen Victoria known for strict values and they spread to commoners