POPULATION PRESSURES World in Balance: People Paradox s. G1; DOK 1-3; OBJ/LT: I can use knowledge of population growth/decline to suggest a solution.
WARM UP Watch first ~3 minutes of “People Paradox” intro. Quick Write: What are some problems associated with a rapidly growing population? What about when the population growth rate is declining (more than deaths than births)? How does this problem change/worsen/improve over time?
POPULATION REVIEW What are the possible causes of population trends shown in this graph (distribution of population)?
INSTRUCTIONS During movie clips of “World in Balance: People Paradox”, you will: Draw population pyramids for India, Japan, and Africa. Write down 3 key factors or consequences of their population issues for each.
POPULATION ISSUES IndiaJapanAfrica What are the factors of their population issues?
KEY FACTORS India : high birth rate, sons valued more than daughters, sons take care of the mother, bride burning common if no sons or dowry, average number of kids per family is now 3 instead of more but still have over a billion people. Japan : low birth rate, more older people, women waiting longer to have children (careers first), few workers and few consumers, not enough young to replace the retirees. Africa : strained natural resources, rapidly rising population despite AIDS deaths, average 5-6 kids per family, poverty, lots of orphans, unsafe sex (pregnancy and HIV), Kenya has some success with average dropping to 4 kids instead of 7.
EXIT How can we solve these population issues? Come up with a 50 year plan for either India, Japan or Africa that specifically works on reversing or halting the problem at hand. What will be 3 ways you can combat this problem and how will you accomplish it?