Revolutionary Changes in the Atlantic World, 1750-1850 Chapter 21 Revolutionary Changes in the Atlantic World, 1750-1850
Objectives How the new wealth generated by the Industrial Rev., along with increases in trade and colonialism, coincided with the new intellectual trends of the Enlightenment to cause a questioning of tradition, which in some cases resulted in revolution. How local concerns and conditions affected each revolution, and how the outcome of revolution changed the lives of common people. How conservatives reacted to revolution, and what methods they used to try to stem the tide of change. How revolutions began to transform Western political culture and how they eventually influenced revolutionaries the world over.
Key Words Enlightenment Scientific Revolution Common Sense Constitution Articles of Confederation French Revolution National Assembly Bastille Declaration of the Rights of Man Reign of Terror Saint Domingue Congress of Vienna
The Early Industrial Revolution, 1760-1851 Chapter 22 The Early Industrial Revolution, 1760-1851
Objectives Why the Industrial Rev. began in Great Britain, and how it transformed the face of Europe, America and then the world. Impact of the Industrial Rev. on the environment and societies that experienced it. How the Industrial Rev. and accompanying change influenced politics and economies both at home and abroad. Explain what happened in countries in Africa and Asia where the process of industrialization began later than in the West.
Key Words Why Britain first? Urbanization Women and wages Karl Marx Labor unions Japan Russia Results of Industrialization Importance and affects of the transportation
Nation Building and Economic Transformation in the Americas, 1800-1890 Chapter 23 Nation Building and Economic Transformation in the Americas, 1800-1890
Objectives Explain how the independence movements of North and South America began, what groups were involved, and how the colonizers responded. How these new nations developed their own institutions, and how the land, powerful individuals, economies, and their neighbors influenced their development. Discuss the role that non-northern-European peoples played in the development and success of nations. Discuss the kinds of reforms American called for, and what was involved in promoting sometimes difficult movements, such as the abolition of slavery, the protection of native lands, and the women’s movement. Changes people made in the environment, what benefits they derived from those changes, and what price they paid for them.
Key Words Junta Central Simon Bolivar Jose Maria Morelos Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla Agustin de Iturbide Personalist leaders Trail of Tears Abolitionists “Jim Crow” laws France and slavery Acculturation
Land Empires in the Age of Imperialism, 1800-1870 Chapter 24 Land Empires in the Age of Imperialism, 1800-1870
Objectives: How the land-based empires of Eurasia struggled to develop and what domestic factors were involved in their development. How European economic and political aims interfered with the development of the Ottoman regions and China. How Europe and Russia interacted during Russia’s development. How the role of women changed in the Ottoman, Russian, and Qing Empires.
Key Words Greek independence Crimean War Extraterritoriality Social reform movements China – sphere of influence Tanzimat era Young Ottomans Russian serfs Sultan Selim III Janissaries
Africa, India, and the New British Empire, 1750-1870 Chapter 25 Africa, India, and the New British Empire, 1750-1870
Objectives: How the end of the exportation of African slaves outside Africa changed the types of goods traded, the types of workers used on plantations and where they came from, and how it influenced the increase in slavery in Africa. How colonizers influenced their colonies, what different styles of control they chose to use, how they were received by the native peoples, and in what ways colonial rule facilitated the rise of nationalism in some countries, particularly India. How the British colonies of the South Pacific differed from their other possessions.
Key Words Muhammad Ali Algeria Africa and European explorers David Livingstone Slave trade “Secondary Empires” British raj Rammohun Roy Great Trek South Pacific settler colonies
Chapter 26 The New Power Balance, 1850-1900
Objectives: How industry and new technologies transformed the economies, environments, societies, and politics around the world. How the role of Victorian culture played in the development of the Western world. How industrialism spurred development in countries outside Europe and explain the societal changes resulting from industrialization. How certain movements and systems developed in response to the ills caused by industrialization and nationalism.
Key Words Steel producers Ocean shipping Submarine telegraph cables Industrialization and environmental effects Japanese Imperialism Tokugawa Shogunate Karl Marx Nationalism Otto Von Bismarck
Chapter 27 The New Imperialism, 1869-1914
Objectives: How the scramble for Africa was inspired, what made it possible, and how it changed the world. How colonies dominated by the same European power could have distinct differences based on the type of colonial rule instituted there. How new and old Imperialism differed.
Key Words Annexations Cultural motives for Imperialism Job opportunities for European women Types of Imperialism “Scramble for Africa” Afrikaners African resistance Islam Monroe Doctrine Panama Canal