Unit One: Native Americans A. Map and Globe Skills B. Geographic Regions C. Settlement of Native American Tribes D. Diversity in landscapes and its people
Map Skills Types of Maps Map Concepts States and Capitals Identification Test on the 50 States and Capitals
Land and Water Terms Create an Island Understanding of all terms Modeling of island Placement of map scale, map legend, and compass rose
Native Americans Environments Migration Routes Cultural Regions of North America Specific Tribes Native American Project
Explorers Unit Two: Exploration A. Reasons for Exploration B. Developing Trade Routes C. European Explorers D. Successes and Failures E. Establishment of Colonies in the New World
Early Exploration Explorer Routes Group map route of explorers Bibliography and Works Cited activity
The Thirteen Colonies Unit 3: Early Settlement and Building the Thirteen Colonies Successes and Failures New England Colonies Middle Colonies Southern Colonies Colonial Industries and Economy Colonial Crafts and Lifestyle
Crisis with Britain Unit 4: Struggles for Independence Seeking Independence Colonial Protests Colonial Restrictions Colonial Actions First Continental Congress Battles at Lexington and Concord American Revolution Major Battles
Current Events Viewing the News Newspaper Articles Celebrating Our Citizenship Constitution Day Bill of Rights Day Mock Election