Three Regions New England —mostly involved in subsistence farming and trade. Lots of small farms, not used for a profit but for survival Middle Colonies —mostly involved in staple food production: Supported the colonies food supply with items like corn and grain Southern Colonies —centered around production of cash crops such as tobacco
Three Regions New England —mostly involved in subsistence farming and trade. Middle Colonies —mostly involved in staple food production Southern Colonies —centered around production of cash crops such as tobacco
**Mercantilism** -system of nations increasing their wealth and power through trade with colonies -English wanted a favorable balance of trade which meant they sold more than they imported from colonies
English Control -colonies were very successful traders -Parliament passes the **Navigation Acts, Restricted how and with who the colonists could do business with. -Could only trade with England and only use English ships
Seeds of Independence -Glorious Revolution in 1688 Limited power of the king, giving it to Parliament -English Bill of Rights, 1689 Protects the individual rights of the people in England -***salutary neglect - very loose supervision of the colonies lack of control led to self government The king left the colonies alone, so they took care of themselves and created their own government -John Peter Zenger –colonist put on trial over basic freedoms such as freedom of the press
Colonial Society -plantation owners were top of society -small farmers were most of the population -second class role of women* -indentured servants
Industrial North -more diversified economy than the south -not as much slavery -harsher weather conditions -food exports, lumber industry -ship building, iron making
Agricultural South -growth of cash crops - tobacco, rice, indigo -large plantations dominate economy -many small farms also -few towns and cities because of the agricultural lifestyle
Slavery in America -slaves would replace Indians and indentured servants -Triangular Trade slaves-sugar-rum Africa, Caribbean, England -Middle Passage Long trip from Africa to the Americas where many slaves dies.
Witch Trials Salem, Massachusetts -young girls accused people of being witches -witches were often executed unless they exposed other “witches” -trials later suspended due to poor evidence - _reveals corruption in the Puritan Church, and the lack of protection of human rights
Enlightenment -stresses the use of reason and scientific method -Benjamin Franklin became most famous early American scientist -Enlightenment also led to increasing educational levels -Led to the founding of colleges---many for religious training
Philosophy -John Locke-Natural Rights life, liberty, property Rights that ALL people should be entitiled to -Social Contract -Rousseau an agreement between a people and their government to protect their rights, inurn the people should obey the law -Baron Montesquieu separation of powers in gov’t -Protects against a tyranny
Great Awakening -a revival of the Puritan faith -Jonathan Edwards “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” -the revival led to new religious denominations -Brought people back to authentic religion