Mid- Atlantic Southern
Review What is religious tolerance? Which colonial region has religious tolerance? Who are artisans? Give me two facts about large landowners. Give two facts about farmers. What was the life of women like? What is an indentured servant? What was life as a enslaved African American like? What was the life of free African Americans like?
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Essential Questions Why did Europeans establish colonies in North America? How did climate, geographic features, and other available resources distinguish the three regions from each other? How did people use the natural resources of their region to earn a living? What are the benefits of specialization and trade? How did political and social life evolve in each of the three regions? How did people’s lives vary among different social groups in colonial America? How did Great Britain impose political and economic control over the colonies?
Read pages Colonists had to obey English British laws that were enforced by governors. Colonial governors were appointed by the king Colonial legislatures made laws for each colony and were monitored by colonial governors. Legislatures: Governors Council: Chosen by the Governor General Assembly: chosen by the colonists (white men who owned land) Great Britain established and attempted to maintain control over the colonies. Define proprietor: Question??? Did the colonists have representation in the legislature? Why do you think this?
War comes to America Who was the French and Indian war between? Great Britain imposed strict control over trade. Great Britain taxed the colonies after the French and Indian War. Colonies traded raw materials for goods.
Proclamation of 1763 End of French and Indian War Forbid the colonists to move West past the Appalachian Mountains
Why did Great Britain tax the colonies after the war? What type of taxes do you think Great Britain will impose? Who was an important general during the French and Indian war?
Chart Colony Reason why it was settled Who it was settled by When it was settled Roanoke Island Jamestown Plymouth Massachusett s Bay Pennsylvania Georgia
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