Trends in Health Care
Technology Cell/Smart Phones -allows healthcare providers to constantly be in touch -allows quick access to information Telemedicine -use of video, audio, and computer systems to provide medical and or health services -allows people in remote areas to have access to healthcare
Technology Electronic Health Records (EHR) -replaces paper charting, now required by law that all physicians document patient’s history, examination, diagnosis, and treatment. -provides quick access to patient’s information, available at anytime, anywhere -helps prevent mistakes and other medical errors
Preventive Medicine and Wellness Preventive-- to stop something from happening or existing Wellness--state of being in good health Living a healthy lifestyle by using exercise and diet to prevent disease. Avoiding risky behaviors and maintaining regular medical screenings to remain in good health.
Preventive Medicine and Wellness Hospitals and Wellness Centers ❏ Offer programs that focus on older populations and their therapeutic needs ❏ cardiac rehabilitation-(CR)- a branch of rehabilitation/physical therapy that is designed to optimize physical function in patients with cardiac disease ❏ Pulmonary rehabilitation- a program of exercise, education, and support to help those with chronic respiratory conditions breath and function at the highest possible
Wellness ❏ a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit ❏ Ways to achieve optimal wellness ❏ Physical exercise-prevents weight gain, cardiac disease, lower back pain ❏ Preventive care- attending yearly or regular doctor/dental visits, receiving proper yearly medical screenings and immunizations ❏ Safety-practicing life-saving actions to prevent accidents or death (i.e. wear seat belts, helmets, practicing safe sex) ❏ Nutrition-eating a well rounded diet ❏ Avoidance of alcohol and tobacco consumption ❏ Spiritual health-believing in a higher being, following a set of morals, values, or standards to find direction and purpose in life ❏ Stress management- finding appropriate ways to cope.
Healthcare Reform Is the move for major changes in the healthcare system, do decrease expense and continue to provide quality care to all ❏ Due to the increasing cost of healthcare ❏ reasons for increased cost ❏ demand/need for healthcare ❏ costly procedures ❏ uninsured or underinsured individuals
Healthcare Reform Why is a reform needed? ❏ to increase the number of people covered by health insurance through either public or private companies ❏ improve access to healthcare specialist ❏ improve the quality of healthcare ❏ decrease the cost of healthcare
Healthcare Reform The Affordable Care Act (2010) ❏ aka Obamacare ❏ law designed to increase to quality and affordability of health insurance, lower the uninsured rate by expanding public and private insurance coverage, and lower cost of healthcare for individuals and the government ❏ requires insurance companies to cover all applicants with new minimum standards and offer the same rates regardless of pre-existing conditions or sex
Outpatient Care ❏ medical services provide to patients without being admitted to the hospital ❏ decreases the cost of healthcare by decreasing the amount time and resources used
Outpatient Care ❏ Services ❏ blood, urine testing ❏ radiological services (x-ray, MRI, CAT scan) ❏ surgery/procedures ❏ home healthcare
Outpatient Care Home Healthcare ❏ services provided in a patient’s home ❏ reduces patient’s exposure to germs and disease ❏ reduces stress and anxiety ❏ Nursing care ❏ Physical Assessment ❏ Medication management ❏ Education ❏ wound care/dressing changes ❏ bathing/dressing assistance ❏ Physical/Occupational Therapy
Healthcare Facilities -places that provide medical care or make it possible for care to be delivered to patients -Hospitals -Rehabilitation Centers -Long-Term Care facilities-Hospices -Offices and Clinics- Home Healthcare -Laboratories
Hospitals Provide varying services through inpatient and outpatient care. Hospitals are classified by their services and/or ownership
Hospitals Types Religious ran care is given in accordance to the religion’s belief ●do not have to be of the hospital’s religion to receive care Private owned by shareholders who invest money in the facility a FOR PROFIT facility, profits are returned to shareholders
Hospital Types Nonprofit Hospitals -do NOT have shareholders, all profits made are placed back into the facility to pay for improvements, equipment, and expansion Government Hospitals -sever military or veteran personnel -funded by taxes -patients who have little or no money, may receive free or reduced care
Hospital Types Specialized -provide care to a specific type of disease or age group -highly trained staff whose skills are tailored for the speciality they are treating -Children’s hospital -Cancer Treatment Centers
Long-Term Care Facilities Provide care to those who need nursing and other healthcare services on a regular basis -patients are usually elderly, frail or disabled -patients that live in long-term care facilities are called RESIDENTS -assist with ADLs (activities of daily living)
Emergency Medical Services extend care from the emergency room of the hospital into the community provides care for injured or ill as quickly as possible first responders, EMT, Paramedics
Home Healthcare -care provided in the patient’s home -doctors/nurse practitioners: exam pts -nurses: manage medications, provide dressing changes, -therapist: provide treatments physical, respiratory -aides: assist with bathing, dressing, assess vital signs
Hospice Care for those who have a terminal (life- ending) illness Goals is to provide comfort and support -reduce pain -spiritually -emotionally -prepare patient and family for death
Government Agencies Center for Disease Control---(CDC) monitors and prevents disease outbreaks. Guards against international disease transmission, maintains health statistics, supports disease and injury prevention research. Ensures the health and safety of the nation. -Located in ATLANTA,GA
Government Agencies Food and Drug Administration---- (FDA) ensures food, cosmetics, medication and medical devices are safe for use and consumption National Institute of Health----(NIH) Medical research organization, supports research projects such as the Human Genome Project and ways to end diseases like cancer, AIDS, heart disease
Government Agencies World Health Organization---(WHO) international agency sponsored by the United Nations authority on international health GOAL to help people attain the highest possible level of health
Health Insurance Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare extends coverage to those who were previously uninsured allows people with preexisting conditions to be insured bans lifetime coverage limits
Health Insurance Medicare government insurance for people who are over 65 years disabled, or have kidney failure federally funded Medicaid government insurance for low-income families federally and state funded, however the states decided who is eligible and what is covered.
Health Insurance Private Health Insurance -health care coverage policy offer through one’s place of employment or paid for by an individual to a health insurance company -Blue Cross/Blue Shield -HMOs -PPOs
Health Insurance Workers’ Compensation insurance carried by companies to cover employees who may have an on the job accident or injury or become ill after being exposed to a work hazard must cover all medical expenses and wages of the employee injured
Health Insurance Military Tricare- government provided healthcare benefits to armed forces personnel, veterans and family