”A” exams: Written exams on premises ”B” exams: Oral exams (no written work) ”C” exams: Written work (no oral examination) ”D” exams: Oral examination based on or supplemented by written work ”E” exams: Thesis exams ”X” exams: Experimental exams Exam forms · 1
A part-exam is an exam where the student completes a series of smaller exams that ultimately account for the final exam The student will ultimately be given a single grade, which determines whether or not she has passed the course X-exams, part-exams · 2
Ekstern prøve, 7-trins-skala, X: Eksperimentel eksamensform There will be four homework assignments. Each will be graded. There will be a final written exam. The final grade is computed 15% for each homework + 40% final exam. The duration of the written examination on premises is 4 hours with following restrictions: Restrictions: 1. Physical copies of the book and other printed materials are permitted. 2. Ebooks on laptops, ipads, and other e book readers are permitted. 3. Cell phones are *not* permitted. 4. It will *not* be permitted that you access any other other information from the internet, including newsgroups, social media, , facebook twitter, etc. or elsewhere that is not in book form. Exam description (example) · 3
Things to address when choosing a part-exam (x exam): 1)How will the final grade be calculated? 2)If an external examiner is used – how much time is used to grade the papers/preparation for oral exam? 3)Are there any restrictions if a on-premises written exam is part of the exam? 4)Explain the exam form as explicitly as possible in the course base. Part-exams · 4
Mandatory activities are a prerequisite for participating in the exam Mandatory activities are not a part of the exam and cannot be included in the final grade Mandatory activities are assignments, papers or presentations that the student must fullfill in order to be eligible for the exam Mandatory activities · 5
SAP is not part of the handling of mandatory activities. The course manager/teacher decides the outcome of the mandatory activities (extensions etc.) Students that fail the mandatory activities are to be graded ”NA” (Not Approved) and will fail the exam. Mandatory activities · 6
Students that have been graded ”NA” are not entitled to attend the exam. The student who failed the mandatory activity must be given the chance to pass the mandatory activity before the re-exam. The course manager/teacher can decide to change the mandatory activity before the re-exam. Mandatory activities · 7
If a student fails to hand-in her exam paper within the deadline, the student fails the exam and will be graded with a “U” for absent (udeblevet). SAP will write to the students who failed to hand in their exam paper in due time and inform them of the consequences (grade “U”). The student can apply for an exemption if special circumstances occurred and prevented the student from handing in her exam paper in due time. Exemptions · 8
Grading in case of combined written work and oral exam (D exam) Two main variants of the D exam: 1)D11 Submission of written work with following oral exam. The oral exam will be based on the submitted work only. Grading · 9
2) D22 Submission of written work with following oral exam supplemented by the work submitted. The oral exam will be supplemented by the submitted work, i.e. the submitted work supplements a fixed syllabus from the course base. There are furthermore group variants of the D11 (called D1G) and D22 (D2G) exam forms. Grading · 10
No submission If no exam paper has been submitted, you shall register a “U” on the grade sheet. Illness If you know that the absence or lack of submission is caused by illness, the student must still be graded with a “U”. If the student hands in a sick note or similar to Student Affairs and Programmes no later than 8 working days after the submission or exam day, the absence (U) will be annulled. Grading in unusal cases · 11
Written submission followed by oral exam The student may choose to submit the exam paper, but not show up at the oral exam. The student must be graded with a “- 3” on the grade sheet, since he/she cannot pass the exam without being present at the oral exam. The same goes for students who show up at the oral exam saying nothing or saying only that they wish to fail the exam. Mandatory activities Mandatory activities, you shall register a “NA” on the grade sheet. Grading in unusal cases · 12
Oral exams can be 20, 30 or 40 minutes pr. student for course exam (including grading and feedback) Thesis exams are 50 minutes pr. student (including grading and feedback) Length of oral exams · 13
The order on examination stipulates the national rules on university examinations and grading The examination order also provides authority to the universities to issue their own exam regulations The ITU exam regulations concern all examinations held at ITU and are a supplement to the examination order Legislation · 14
The student can lodge a formal complaint regarding the examination and can be submitted about: 1) Legal issues 2) The basis for examination (questions, assignments etc.) 3) The examination process 4) The assessment Exam complaints · 15
Exam complaint step-by-step 1.SAP receives the complaint 2.SAP asks for the teacher’s and external examiner’s comments to the student’s complaint 3.SAP forwards your comments to the complaint to the student for further commenting by the student 4.SAP adresses the case to head of programme 5.Based on the case (complaint, comments and statement from head of programme) SAP decides the outcome of the complaint Exam complaints · 16
Possible outcome of an exam complaint 1.to make an offer of a new assessment (re- assessment); however, not in oral exams; 2.to make an offer of a new examination (re-exam); or 3.not to find in favour of the complainant Exam complaints · 17
Grades from an examination cannot be changed after the examination If a student is offered a new assessment or new examination and she accepts and participates in the exam, the new grade replaces the former grade – without exeption Grades from re-assessments and re-exams cannot be referred to any other administrative authority (the grade is final) Exam complaints · 18
Exam wiki: exam.wikit.itu.dk Study Guide -> Exam Contact the examination office in Student Affairs and Programmes More information regarding exams · 19