DOES SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY MAKE SENSE FOR PROCUREMENT? Joe Walsh Intermountain Healthcare: AVP Procurement Curtis McEntire Mazree: Founder & President
BACKGROUND & OVERVIEW Intermountain Healthcare Integrated Health System in Utah/Idaho. 23 Hospitals, Health Plan, 185 Clinics, Home Health. Joe Walsh AVP of Procurement for Intermountain Healthcare Responsible for more than $1.4B of annual purchases across supplies, services, software, equipment and distribution. Online network built to connect companies, facilitate communication and collaboration, and provide supply chain tools. Curtis McEntire Founder of Mazree Previously Sr. Manager of Supply Chain Solutions at Intermountain Healthcare.
PROCUREMENT COMMUNICATION “BACK IN THE DAY” Did you know? The Batman Television Series lasted 3 seasons and aired 120 episodes. 60 episodes in just Season 2. Did you know? The Batman Television Series lasted 3 seasons and aired 120 episodes. 60 episodes in just Season 2.
PROCUREMENT COMMUNICATION “BACK IN THE DAY” Did you know? Emilio Estevez turned down the role of Cameron. Did you know? Emilio Estevez turned down the role of Cameron. When did you start using ? How has it changed your work? What are the pros and cons of E- mail?
NEW COMMUNICATION TOOLS SOCIAL NETWORKS A dedicated website or other application that enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, images, etc. What is a Social Network?
WHY DO PEOPLE JOIN A SOCIAL NETWORK? Communicate information to those that are interested in receiving your information. Communicate Stay up-to-date with those that you are interested in receiving information from. Follow Easily find individuals, content, groups, etc. that you are looking for. Find
A SOCIAL NETWORK IS MORE THAN JUST FACEBOOK… ? ? Developed by Brian Solis, The Conversation Prism is a visual map of today’s social media landscape. Where are the social tools for Procurement? Each network is designed to address the needs of specific groups.
MAYBE THERE ISN’T A NETWORK FOR PROCUREMENT BECAUSE… B2B activity just isn’t big enough. There are not enough players or activity to justify a network. Source: Forrester, “Key Trends In B2B e-Commerce for 2013”
MAYBE THERE ISN’T A NETWORK FOR PROCUREMENT BECAUSE… We don’t have any problems that a social network could solve. Transparency? Trust? Communication? Direction? With your suppliers is there:
MAYBE THERE ISN’T A NETWORK FOR PROCUREMENT BECAUSE… Existing networks meet our needs. Facebook, LinkedIn, Yammer, etc.
LET’S PLAY A GAME: IS THE COMPANY B2B OR B2C ? Facebook Likes Revenue (in billions) McKesson Verizon CVSJX Holdings B2BB2B B2BB2B B2CB2C B2CB2C Company A Company B Company C Company D
MEET STEVE THE SOURCING MANAGER Steve has a profile on Facebook and is fairly active. He uses it to follow and share updates with close family and friends… And to watch the occasional dancing cat video. Steve also has a profile on LinkedIn. He uses it to build his professional network and to keep his eye open on other job opportunities. Steve’s company uses Yammer for internal employee communication. He finds it helpful to easily communicate with co- workers on projects and other topics. But Steve is confused. Why isn’t there a social network where his company can be connected to their thousands of suppliers? He doesn’t have any easy way to communicate or stay up-to-date with all of those suppliers.
MAYBE THERE ISN’T A NETWORK FOR PROCUREMENT BECAUSE… Existing networks meet our needs. Facebook, LinkedIn, Yammer, etc.
2 SIMPLE CONSIDERATIONS FOR PLANNING YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY 1.Who is my audience? 2.Where is my audience (what network)? Small home window treatment company in Utah. Who? Women in Utah over the age of 30. Where? Facebook, Pinterest EXAMPLE Procurement department for large health system in Utah. Who? Our 10,000 suppliers. Where? Great question. EXAMPLE
3 THINGS THAT MAKE A PROCUREMENT SOCIAL NETWORK DIFFERENT Companies Connect with Companies More than just “the Social” Security Roles Governed by Company Administrators
MAZREE.COM A SOCIAL NETWORK BUILT FOR PROCUREMENT In early 2013, with the partnership of Intermountain Healthcare, I launched Mazree: a social network built specifically for procurement. By the end of 2013, Mazree had over 1,100 companies on the network.
PROCUREMENT CHALLENGES Communicating key information to all of your suppliers? Keeping supplier contact information up- to-date? Tracking your team’s interactions with suppliers and sharing them across your team? Managing cold call suppliers? Finding good diversity qualified suppliers? Does your procurement department have any of these challenges?
What if your Procurement Department had these solutions? PROCUREMENT SOLUTIONS Communicating key information to all of your suppliers? Keeping supplier contact information up- to-date? Tracking your team’s interactions with suppliers and sharing them across your team? Managing cold call suppliers? Finding good diversity qualified suppliers? COMMUNICATE Ability to communicate key information to all of your suppliers in a single post. CONTACT INFO Electronic business cards that update automatically when a rep changes their info. COMPANY NOTES Document when you interact with a supplier and have those notes instantly visible to only your team. COLD CALLS Segment your cold call suppliers and provide them structured access to view potential opportunities. DIVERSITY Ability to easily find and filter suppliers based upon their diversity certifications.
MAKE YOUR PROCUREMENT CHALLENGES LESS…CHALLENGING In a single post, communicate key information to all of your our suppliers. No more trying to keep track of your supplier’s contact information. Stay up-to-date with current and prospective suppliers. Easily access a pool of prospective suppliers. Track your interactions with suppliers and share them across your team.
IMAGINE ONE NETWORK FOR PROCUREMENT A single network, like Facebook, where ALL buyers and suppliers exist – regardless of industry. We can improve collaboration and together build a more efficient supply chain.
ARE YOU A CUSTOMER OF CHOICE? What kind of customer are you? 1.Do your suppliers have access to your bid calendar? 2.Do your suppliers know what is important to you? 3.Do your suppliers know who to contact within your organization? 4.Are you able to communicate important information to all of your suppliers easily? 5.Do your suppliers know how to engage with your department? 6.Do your suppliers know how to engage with stakeholders? 7.Do you listen to and learn from your suppliers? Leverage the technology of a social network to help you become a Customer of Choice