Thepphayaphong Setkhumbong Master Degree Student, Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University, Thailand
1.To compare learning achievement of students who learned with e-Learning using collaborative learning via social media on the course of Introduction to Educational Media between pretest and posttest. 2. To study competency of using information and communication technology of students who learned with e- Learning using collaborative learning via social media. 3. To study the opinions of students towards e-Learning using collaborative learning via social media.
Population : 32,139 second-year undergraduate students in Faculty of Education around Thailand, in the second semester of academic year (Office of the Higher Education Commission, Data on February 17, 2011) Sample : 180 second-year undergraduate students in Bachelor of Education Program in Thai, English, Social studies, Teaching Chinese as a foreign language Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University, who registered in Introduction to Educational Media course in the second semester of academic year 2011 by purposive sampling. This experimental research employed one group pretest posttest design
Independent Variable : e-Learning using collaborative learning via social media. Dependent Variables : 1. Learning achievement of students. 2. Competency of using information and communication technology of students. 3. Opinions of students towards e-Learning using collaborative learning via social media.
1.8 lesson plans on e-Learning using collaborative learning via social media. 2.Learning Management System using collaborative learning via social media. 3.Competency of using information and communication technology test. 4.Behavior observation form of using information and communication technology. 5.The learning achievement test. 6.Instructional media product evaluation form. 7.Wiki contributions evaluation form. 8.Questionnaire on students’ opinions towards e-Learning using collaborative learning via social media.
Collaborative learning with group investigation technique 6 steps was conducted throughout 5 weeks (2 times per week) of experiment. 1 st week : Orientation Step 1: Identifying the topic Step 2: Considering the topic Step 3: Planning the investigation in group Step 4: Carrying out the investigation Step 5: Present the result of investigation Step 6: Evaluation achievement 180 students => 30 Groups - each group build Wikispaces. - complete the test before learning. “Educational Technology and Innovation” on LMS - task 1: using Wiki. - observe behavior after task 1. “Educational Media, and Instructional Design” on LMS - task 2: using Mind42 and Wiki. - observe behavior after task 2. “The ASSURE Model” on LMS - task 3 : using Wiki - observe behavior after task 3. Each group was assigned to - produce instructional media. - inform progress on LMS Instructional media products were presented - through video clip – Youtube. - embed its code on wiki. Students were asked to - complete the test after learning. - answer opinions questionnaire.
1. The result of a comparison learning achievement of students who learned with e-Learning using collaborative learning via social media between pretest and posttest. NS.D.tSig. Pretest (30) * Posttest (30) Mean Scores of the Pretest and Posttest * p < 0.01 Producing instructional media products* of 30-group students who learned with e-Learning using collaborative learning via social media was good level. *7 criteria consist of 1) Content 2) Learning Objective 3) Suitability 4) Design 5) Creative Thought 6) Usability 7) Presentation.
2. The result of studying competency of using information and communication technology of students who learned with e-Learning using collaborative learning via social media. Competency of using information and communication technology* of students who learned with e-Learning using collaborative learning via social media was high level. ( = 4.15, S.D.=0.68) *6 elements of competency; 1) Define and Access 2) Manage 3) Evaluate 4) Integrate 5) Create 6) Communicate Wiki (Wikispaces) contributions* of 30-group students who learned with e-Learning using collaborative learning via social media was very good level. *6 criteria consist of 1) Content 2) Organization 3) Attractiveness 4)Accuracy 5) Hyperlinks 6) Group Collaboration. Students’ behavior of using information and communication technology was good level.
3. The result of studying the opinions of students towards e-Learning using collaborative learning via social media The opinion of 174 students towards e-Learning using collaborative learning via social media was good positive level. ( = 4.13, S.D. = 0.74)