Communicating our international work Ulrika Hammar
Increase the knowledge about RFSU internally and externally Increase the involvement (to become a member or doner) Educate and increase the awarness regarding global issues Increase the effect of our advocacy work
Employees, members, board members Doners Swedish public Politicians and other decision makers
Traditional media 1542 articles about RFSU were published during 2013
unique visitors during 2013, an increase by 32 %!
RFSU:s intranet Number of visits 2013: Number of unique visitors: 2768
Instagram 1288 followers
Twitter 4230 followers
Facebook 6290 likes
We visit our partners around the world Our partners visit us in Stockholm We can make interviews via Skype or We can receive short texts, photos or films from you We keep an eye on your most active social media channels
Tips on taking photos
Tips on writing a short text Start with a short description of the current situation in the country and for your organisation. Be detailed and try to communicate something close to your every day life and work. Describe how it smells, sounds, feels to be where you are. You don’t need to have a complete story.
Tips on how to film Make it short If interviewing: Ask three simple questions: (Who are you? What do you think about…? What are you going to do now?) Film with the mobile horizontal Keep it as still as possible Make sure you get a good sound
And of course: Social media is about being social